Day Sixty Three

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I woke up to find myself alone on the bed. I lazily sat up and checked the time on my phone. It was 10AM and I was wondering where Jaxon was. I looked around the room and found rose petals on the floor making me smile. I followed the trail to find myself going downstairs and into the kitchen. Once I reached the kitchen I saw a plate stacked with pancakes and flowers in a vase but still no Jaxon to be found. I sat on the bar stool and found that there was a card stuck on the vase I opened the card to see that it was indeed from Jaxon.

Dearest Morgan,

Good morning baby. I'm sorry if you woke up once again not next to me. My surprise is now in process. I hope you liked the first part of the surprise. You actually have to drive down to my parents by yourself because I'll be there waiting for you with the next part of your surprise. I love you!

Love, Jax

I closed the card and found myself smiling from ear to ear. I don't even know how much more he can do to become sweeter. I ate my pancakes and headed upstairs to shower and get ready to go to Jax's house. After showering I changed into a mauve playsuit that had a front tie. I put on my pair of black over the knee boots. I left my hair wavy and did my makeup. I walked out and put my coat on. I texted Jaxon that I was on my way. I grabbed the keys to my car and proceeded to the garage to get in my car. I drove off to the direction of Jaxon's house.

I arrived Jaxon's house and parked. I texted Jaxon saying I was here and I walked out. I took off my coat and knocked on the door and waited but no one was answering the door. I turned the knob to see the door was unlocked so I opened it and walked inside. "Jaxon? Lexi?" I called out and Lexi came to view. "Morgan! You're finally here!" She yelled hugging me. "Have you seen Jaxon by any chance?" I asked. "He's in the garden with everyone else. Come on lunch is about to be served." She said grabbing my hand as we walked out to the garden. They were all sitting on the table. "Come on and eat babe." Jaxon said and I was confused. I thought I had another surprise? I sat down next to Jaxon.

We finished eating and still no surprise. "Have you had enough?" Jaxon asked and I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I just meant have you had enough to eat? Are you still hungry?" He asked and I sighed. "Oh. I'm full. Thanks." I said. "Come on Jax. I think the girl has waited long enough." His dad said smirking making me even more confused. I looked at Jax who was smiling at me. "I've waited long enough for what?" I asked. "For dessert." He said and his dad laughed. "Quit it Jax." Lexi said."Are you ready?" He asked. "For what?" I asked again. "Dessert." He said simply making everyone laugh. "Jax, cut it out." His mom said. Jax handed my an envelope and I opened it. Once I saw what was inside I cheered.

"Are you freaking serious?" I asked. "Of course I am." He said happily. "This can't be real. I can't believe you got this." I said happily. "So would you go with me?" He asked. "Of course I would love to go with you but I have to ask about my schedule though." I said remembering that I have to clear out my schedule. "Don't worry I already talked to Tori." He said and I hugged him. "Thank you so much!" I said and he hugged me back. "Anything for my girl." He said and I smiled. He gave me a bouquet of flowers again along with the plane tickets.

(Attach Photo: Jaxon with Morgan holding up a bouquet of flowers and plane tickets.)

Day 63: I can't thank you enough for having an amazing boyfriend. He never fails to make me smile through little and big gestures. Thank you for the surprise, Jax! I'm sure we will enjoy our mini vacation! I love you! <3 #100DaysChallenge

"You're a bully." I said crossing my arms glaring at Jaxon as we were alone in the living room. "I'm sorry. I was just messing with you." He said and I still glared at him. "I didn't want to always be so sweet. I kinda wanted to be silly too. I'm sorry baby. I won't ever do that again." He said pouting me crack a smile. "Does that mean you forgive me?" He asked and I slowly nodded my head. "Seriously though. This weekend getaway is freaking insane. I can't believe you came up with that." I told him and he laughed. "This is my first time going to Guam." I informed him. "Well, I went there for a layover but I never actually went out to see the place. I heard it was beautiful though." He said and I nodded googling it for myself on my phone.

Turns out Guam is all beach and I'm so excited. We were now having a movie marathon with Jaxon's family since it would be my last time seeing them for awhile. Jaxon and I agreed to separate the airport instead of coming back to Chicago we would rather extend the trip on Guam and just part ways there. I guess we were making the most out of our trip since it would be a while again before we see each other. I'm already dreading the thought of parting ways.

Jax and I left his family house and headed to my grandparents house so we could have a goodbye dinner with them as well. We got out of the car and headed inside the restaurant. I spotted my grandparents and approached them. We all hugged before sitting down. "I'm glad you guys had the time to see us before you leave." Grandmother said. "Of course we would." I told her. "So are you excited about your trip to Guam tomorrow?" Grandfather asked. "Absolutely." I told him and he nodded. We made small talk throughout dinner.

We finally got home and we decided to pack our bags since we were basically packing up everything. "Packing all of my stuff isn't as exciting as I thought." I said and he frowned. "I know what you mean." He said. "I can't even think about not seeing you everyday." He added making me almost cry. "We need to promise ourselves that we will remain smiles and laughs until we are actually at the airport saying goodbye." He said and I nodded. "I agree." I said wiping my tears. "Let's remain happy for our trip." I said and he nodded. We continued packing and talking to each other like we were both not worrying about what the future holds for our relationship.

We finished packing and we were now cuddled in bed eating ice cream watching Fuller House. "I can't believe I used to watch this when we were younger." Jaxon said and I agreed. "They're so grown now." I said. "I can't wait till we start our lives together." He said and I looked at him surprised. "Do you really want to start a life with me?" I asked. "Of course I do. I've always seen you as my wife. I'll have it no other way." He said making me smile. "I love you." I said kissing him and it got heated pretty quickly.

"We should head to bed. Our flight is early tomorrow." He said and I nodded. "Thank you again for this surprise." I said and he smiled. "No problem baby. I would do anything for you." He said making me smile. "Goodnight baby." He said kissing my forehead. "Goodnight babe." I told him as we both fell asleep in each other's arms. 

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