Day Forty Two

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I heard a soft knock on my door so I got out of bed to open it. "Good morning beautiful." Jaxon said just like he always does making me smile. "When will you ever get tired of calling me beautiful?" I asked. "I never will get tired of saying the truth." He said and I laughed. "So we slept in." He said and I looked at my clock. "We're supposed to be there at 11." He said and it was 10. "I think it's possible to get ready in forty-five minutes." I said and he laughed. "Please. You take so long to get ready." He said and I glared at him. "Well, all this talking doesn't help does it?" I asked and he laughed. "Fine, I'll see you in forty minutes in the living room." He said cheekily giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving my room.

I showered and got ready as fast as I possibly could because I didn't want to give Jaxon the satisfaction that he was right. I put on a black leather jacket over my white short sleeve sweater dress. I finished off the look with knee high socks and black combat boots. I checked the clock and I was ten minutes early. I grabbed my purse and walked down to the living room to see Jaxon. He was wearing a white t-shirt under his black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black boots. Did we plan to match? "We're matching." I said and he laughed. "Looks cute." He said and I blushed. "I'm here early by the way." I stated. "Of course you rushed so you could make a point." He joked and I laughed. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded.

We drove off and headed to his parents' house. It was a ten minute drive from Jaxon's house and I couldn't help but smile. He chose to live in his house now because it was close to his family because he was always close to them and I know he wanted to assure his mom that he will always be close to home. He parked the car and he opened the door for me like he always does. We walked to the front door and Jaxon used his key to open it. "Mom!" Jaxon yelled. "Dad!" He yelled calling for his parents. "Jaxon, we're in the kitchen!" His mom yelled back. "I brought a guest." He said as we got in the kitchen. His mom dropped everything to hug me and I hugged her back. "Morgan! We thought we would never see you again!" She said. "Mom, that's dramatic." Jaxon said and I laughed. "To be honest I never thought I would be back in this kitchen." I said as I also hugged Jaxon's dad. "Thank you for coming." He said and I smiled. "Thanks for the invite. Is there anything I could help you with?" I offered. "Not much you can bring these out to the garden." She said giving Jaxon and I food to put on the table.

We walked out to see some familiar faces like Jaxon's siblings and some neighbors we had since we were little. "Morgan!" Lexi yelled giving me a hug. "Lexi!" I hugged her back. "How are you?" I asked. "I'm good. How about you? You're famous now." She said and I laughed. "Things are good. How's school?" I asked. "High School sucks. At least I only have two years left of it." She said and I laughed. "Enjoy it while you can. Life after school can be stressful." I said and she laughed. "Sup Morgan." Xavier greeted me. "Hey Xave." I said. Lexi was a junior while Xave was a freshman in high school.

Lexi grabbed my hand and told me to sit in between her and Jaxon. "I'll grab you both a plate." Jaxon offered and we thanked him. "No offense to my brother but how are you and the breakup?" Lexi asked. "Honestly, it doesn't hurt as much as it did the first time. I think a part of it is thanks to Jaxon." I said honestly. "I always thought it would end up that way." She said and I laughed. "Join the club. Everyone wants us to get married." I said and she smiled. "I wouldn't mind being your sister-in-law." She teased. "Oh hush Lexi. That will be a long time from now even if it happens." I said. "So you're saying there's a chance for it to happen?" She asked and I groaned. "Lexi, be quiet. If your brother hears us talking about him you'll just boost his ego." I joked and she laughed.

Jaxon put our plates down and we started eating. "So what were you girls talking about?" Jaxon asked and Lexi smirked. "Nothing special. We're just catching up on some girl talk since we haven't seen each other in years." I said. "Well, do I need to go?" He asked. "No, we're good." I said as we continued eating. "How's modeling and fashion?" Jaxon's mom asked. "It's been good. I have my clothing line that's going to launch in a couple of weeks. Then modeling a couple shoots here and there." I informed them. "How long will you be home for?" Jaxon's dad asked. "Here for a month until I have to move back to L.A." I sighed. We all continued making small talk and it was so much fun to be back together with Jax's family.

(Attach Photo: Morgan along with Jaxon and his family)

Day 42: It's crazy to think that I practically grew up with this family. A mini reunion with the B's family. Missed and love you guys so much. It feels so good to be back and see everyone again. Love my second family <3 #100DaysChallenge

(Attach Photo: Full body picture of Lexie and Morgan.)

(Lexi's Instagram): Reunited with my big sister @MorganThorne ! I missed her so much! <3

After eating and rekindling with old friends and neighbors we took pictures and decided to leave.

As soon as we got home Jaxon kissed my cheek goodnight. I waked towards my room and took a quick shower to clean myself. I laid on my bed and cuddled up with the covers. I checked my phone and saw an interesting article.

Spotted! Luke Hemmings rekindling with an ex lover?

It's only been a couple of days since the singer of 5 Seconds of Summer, Luke Hemmings, was 'dumped' by his model and fashion icon ex girlfriend, Morgan Thorne. Thorne has come out to the public that she might have a 'special someone' in her life after the breakup and Hemmings was quick to bomb us with the idea that he too has someone special in his life. Hemmings was caught leaving a party hand in hand with the girl who started the whole drama, Mia Hunter. According to an inside source 'the two have been talking since the incident and they kept close even if it ruined the relationship Luke had with his girlfriend. The other band members were nowhere in sight because they don't support Luke's decision of staying close with Mia.' On the other hand Thorne isn't so lonely herself. According to her Instagram, her daily challenge says it all. She has been hanging out with her childhood best friend / first boyfriend, Jaxon McClure. The two quite have the history and Thorne's last interview says it all. When asked about Jaxon this is the statement that everyone was dying to hear. 'We're best friends but I can't lie and say there's nothing there. Obviously spending so much time with him stirred up some feelings that we both felt but it's too soon to even know for sure. All we know is that we love having each other back in our lives.' Even though they're not sure it still means that there is a possibility.

Is this then end of Luke Hemmings and Morgan Thorne? They both found someone else or is that their way of recovering after break up and they still are crazy for each other. Tell us what you think!

Am I mad? Not really. I'm not sure what I feel anymore. All I know is that I don't deserve to be heart broken. I did everything in my power to make the relationship work and if it wasn't enough then that's that. I shouldn't dwell in the past. Of course I thought about the fact that I might be using Jaxon to get over Luke but I'm not. I did feel something when we kissed and it was amazing but I know in myself that it is too soon. I just love being able to be with him while he's home.

That's it. I got up from my bed and walked to Jaxon's door. I was about to knock when I just decided to open the door to see him laying down shirtless in his bed sleeping. I hope he's wearing shorts or at least underwear. I couldn't help but giggle. I laid down next to him and his eyes opened lightly. "You okay beautiful?" He asked. "I am. I just wanted to sleep here." I said and he smiled. He kissed my cheek and cuddled me. "Is this okay?" He asked and I giggled. "It's perfect." I said and he smiled. grabbing my hand and playing with it. "That's for coming along with me today." He said and I smiled. "Of course. I love your family." I told him. "Well, I love you." He said and I laughed. "I love you too, B." I said and he smiled. "Goodnight beautiful." He said kissing my hair. "Goodnight B." I said smiling as I drifted off to sleep.

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