Day Seventy Three

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"Hey sleepy head. What time did you get in last night?" Meghan asked as I walked in the kitchen to make myself a smoothie. "Not really sure I didn't check the time. How did your shoot go?" I asked. "We got off early and I checked your room you weren't there." She said keeping her eyes on me. "So where were you?" She asked smirking. "I didn't want to be alone and Luke called to check up on me so we just hung out at his house and ate dinner." I said avoiding making eye contact. "Oh, how is he?" She asked. "He's doing better now that he doesn't have the whole Mia thing going on. He seems more like himself." I said and she smiled. "That's good." She said taking a sip of my smoothie. "After your smoothie go get ready since we have to be there in a little bit." She informed me. "Yes momma bear." I joked and she laughed.

I quickly showered and put on a shirt and shorts since our outfits would be at the shoot already. I didn't bother with my makeup and hair and headed downstairs. "Are we taking one car?" I asked Meghan as I saw her putting shoes on. "Yeah." She said grabbing her car keys. "Let's go then." I said and we headed to the garage. We got in the car and she drove off to the studio.

"They're here." A person yelled loudly as he saw us walking. "I'm sorry about yelling. I'm Chase. I will be doing your makeup and hair." He said and Meghan and I smiled. "This way." He said as we were escorted to a dressing room.

Inside Scoop on Morgan Thorne and Meghan Rienks' friendship.

Morgan Thorne the uprising fashion icon and model and Meghan Rienks the beauty vlogger on YouTube have been friends since Thorne came to L.A. to start her career. Since then they have been inseparable and now they actually have a house together! We asked them some basic friendship questions and here are their answers.

1. How is it like living with each other?

Morgan: We've gotten a lot closer if that's even possible. Obviously we don't have the same career so sometimes we have to understand each other's schedules.

Meghan: We try to adapt to each other's schedules like I usually film when I know Morgan is out at the office. If she is at home she usually just stays quiet in her room.

2. Is it important for you guys to get along with each other's boyfriends?

Morgan: Definitely. I think that's because it would be difficult for us if I did date someone that she didn't approve of and vice versa.

Meghan: Morgan and I never had an issue with not like each other's boyfriends before and if ever we did friendship will always come first for us both.

3. Do you eat meals together?

Morgan: Not really just because we have different schedules at the moment. I have been working in the day and she has been working at night so we barely see each other but we do still make time for each other to just talk and catch up with what's going on in life.

Meghan: Morgan and I usually eat the same thing so who ever wakes up first that makes meals they will make the meal good enough for the both of us. We just don't have the same schedules but I appreciate waking up with breakfast on the table. Haha.

4. How do you handle disagreements?

Morgan: I can't ever think of a time where we had a huge argument but usually that's because we talk it out.

Meghan: Before things get big we already talk it out and fix things which usually works for us because we both are very open people.

5. What are your favorite things about each other?

Morgan: Meghan always knows what's up and whenever I need her she's always there which I appreciate so much.

Meghan: Morgan spoils me with little gestures like making food or cleaning things up for me. She's very loving and caring which I love.

(Attach Photo: Morgan and Meghan laughing at a joke during the shoot.)

Day 73: This is one person that I will forever cherish and be grateful for being in my life. I don't think I can ever live without this babe by my side. She's one person that keeps me sane and is my rock when I need one. I love our friendship and wouldn't change it for the world. I had so much fun shooting with my best friend. I'll let you guys know when the article is out! Love you @MeghanRienks <3 #100DaysChallenge

"Morgan!" Meghan yelled as she was looking at her phone. "I have to be on set for an important meeting. Can you call Cameron to come get you?" She asked panicking. "Oh my gosh Meghan. Calm down. I'll get a ride. Get out of here." I reassured her and she packed up her stuff in a hurry and left the studio. I was in no hurry packing up my stuff when my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller I.D. "Morgs." Luke said. "Hey Luke." I answered him. "What are you up to?" He asked. "Well, I'm actually packing up from a shoot and I'm going to get an Uber to go home. How about you?" I asked. "I can come get you if you want." He offered. "It's okay. You don't have to." I said. "No, I insist. I'll come get you right now. Text me the address." He said and before I could argue he hung up.

I grabbed my bags and headed outside where Luke said he was waiting. I put my stuff in his trunk and got in the car. "What are you doing today?" I asked him as he was driving. "Nothing really. That's why I called you." He said making me laugh a bit. "Well, we can hang out at the house if you want." I offered and he nodded. He parked his car and carried my stuff.

"Have you heard anything from Jaxon yet?" He asked. "No. I told his parents to give him space about the whole not remembering our relationship issue. I don't want to push him to something he can't really do anything about at the moment." I explained. "Sorry for bring it up." He apologized. "It's fine Luke. Thanks for always checking up on me by the way. I really appreciate it." I said and he smiled. "So what are we doing?" He asked. "How about we bake?" I suggested and he laughed. "Are we really going to bake?" He asked again. "Yeah, come help me." I said grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen.

We baked a batch of brownies and they were delicious. "We made a bit of a mess." He said and I laughed. "I can clean when you leave." I said and he shook his head no. "Let me help. I helped make this mess so let me help clean it." He offered and I smiled. We were cleaning the kitchen when we heard someone walk in the house. "Hi Luke." Meghan said looking at him smirking. "Hey Meghan." He said nervously. "I'm not going to bite." She joked making me laugh. "Luke came to pick me up from the shoot." I told her. "Thanks Luke." She said as we sat down on the counter. "Since you're both here did you guys want to come to our show tomorrow night?" Luke asked and I looked at Meghan. She nodded her head eagerly. "We'd love to." I told him. "I should go now. I'll drop by tomorrow to give you guys the tickets." He said and I nodded. He gave me a goodbye hug and said bye to Meghan and left.

"Luke has been around lately." Meghan said wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh shut up Meghan." I said and she laughed. "I'm just saying when I see you with Luke I'm glad he's here for you at this time. He washes your worries away." She said and I nodded. "Honestly at times I feel like it looks like I'm using him but I'm not. I really genuinely missed Luke and hanging out with him again makes me happy." I said and she smiled. "You don't have to worry about what other people say about your friendship with Luke. Do whatever makes you happy, Morgs." She said and I smiled hugging her. "Goodnight!" I yelled walking up the stairs. "Goodnight babe!" She yelled making me laugh. I opened my phone to see Luke sent me a goodnight text so I sent one back. 

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