Day Forty One

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I woke up to my alarm and rushed out of bed. I quickly showered, did my makeup and my hair. I put on a white lace dress and a beige leather jacket over it. I grabbed my beige over the knee boots over and put it on over my white thigh high socks. I grabbed my purse and phone and headed downstairs to grab myself some a smoothie. Once I was making my smoothie I see Jaxon walking in the kitchen. "Good morning beautiful." He greeted me and I handed him a smoothie cup. "Good morning." I said and he grabbed the cup from me. "What do you have planned today?" I asked. "I'm grabbing brunch with my family in a little bit since I haven't seen them since I've been back." He said and I frowned. "Sorry about that. You're so wrapped up in taking me in that you haven't even had the chance to see your family." I apologized. "Don't worry about it. They understand." He assured me. "You have that interview today right?" He asked and I nodded. "Good luck." He said and I smiled. He knew I was nervous since my last interview didn't go so well, but I can't let that affect my work ethic. "I have to go. I'll see you later?" I asked. "Of course. I'll pick you up from your interview." He offered. "It's okay you don't have to pick me up." I said and he sighed. "Fine. I'll see you later then?" He asked and I nodded. He kissed my cheek and I walked out to my car that I picked up from my Grandparents house.

"Hey everyone! I have a special guest with me today. So with that said please welcome Morgan Thorne everyone!" Riley said and I walked out to the stage waving to the audience. "Thanks for coming to the show, Morgan." She said and I smiled. "Thanks for having me." I replied as she gestured for me to sit. "I thought it would still be hard for you to come out to an interview after everything that had happened." She said apologetically. "That was pretty terrifying to go through but I won't let that stop me from going on in life and pursuing my dreams." I said and she smiled at me. "One bad interview doesn't define you. Always remember that there are good and bad days." She said and I nodded in agreement.

"Just to make sure I wanted to ask if you were okay answering some questions about the break up?" She asked. "Of course. There's no point in hiding. Might as well just set the record straight since he also did." I said. "Obviously you watched his public apology. What was your reaction?" She asked. "I wasn't all that shocked that he would do it publicly because we were always so public with our relationship but I respect that he apologized and owned up to his wrong doings." I said. "Have you talked to him since the incident?" She asked. "Over the phone we have and that was just to address that I no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him." I said clearly. "If you have any messages to Luke, Mia, and fans out there what would you say?" She asked. "First of all to Luke's fans I am sorry that it had to end the way it did. Please don't send hate to me nor Luke and Mia. It is what it is and we just have to live with it. I don't really have a message for Mia since I don't know her nor have I even met the girl. For Luke I hope you the best in life and continue pursuing your dreams because we know you'll go far." I said and everyone awed.

"Enough about the past how about your present? Is there a new love interest?" She asked and I laughed. "I'm not really sure how to answer that." I said in honesty. "Everyone is dying to ask you about Jaxon." She stated and I laughed. "Jaxon was my first ever boyfriend. We knew each other since birth since our parents were best friends. In the 6th grade he admitted that he liked me but we knew we were too young. In freshman year he asked me to be his girlfriend but after graduating High School he decided to enlist in the Marines and of course who was I to stop him? We decided that it was best to end things because we both thought it wouldn't work." I explained and the audience again awed. "So how did you reconnect?" She asked eagerly. "Well, when everything happened with the interview I decided to come back to Chicago and I knew he was back from deployment since he's a bit known in social media because of the whole singing and Tori Kelly thing." I admitted. "What was his reaction when you reached out?" She asked. "Well, he was surprised but just like the old Jaxon he dropped everything and made sure that he would be there for me." I said and she squealed and we all laughed. "What is your status now with Jaxon?" She asked. "We're best friends but I can't lie and say there's nothing there. Obviously spending so much time with him stirred up some feelings that we both felt but it's too soon to even know for sure. All we know is that we love having each other back in our lives." I admitted. "That's a cute love story to tell your children." She teased and I laughed.

"Enough about boys. What is next for Morgan Thorne?" She asked. "I haven't announced this yet but my manager said I could. Anyways, for the last couple of weeks I have been working on my clothing line. It's called TrulyMorganT and it is going to be launched in lest than three weeks and I am so excited about it." I said cheerfully. "That sounds amazing. You have such great work ethic." She said. "I take every opportunity that I can get my hands on because I want to go far in this industry and I know it will pay off if I work hard for it." I said and she nodded. "Well, thank you so much for coming." She said. "Thanks again for having me." I said as we hugged. I walked off stage.

As I was packing up to go home I heard someone knock on my door. I grabbed my purse and opened the door to see a smiling Jaxon with flowers and a cup of coffee in his hand. "B, what did I tell you about picking me up?" I asked and he laughed. "When do I ever listen?" He asked in return and I laughed. "True but thank you for the coffee and flowers. I really needed it." I said. "Morgan!" Riley called. "Oh Riley!" I said as I grabbed Jaxon's hand. "Riley this is Jaxon. Jaxon this is Riley the woman who interviewed me." I introduced them. Jaxon shook Riley's hand. "Nice to meet you." Riley said and Jaxon replied with a likewise. "Can we take a picture?" Riley asked and I looked at Jaxon and saw him nod his head. One of the staff took a picture of us and we said goodbye to Riley. "She's nice." Jaxon said smiling. "She loves the idea of us." I told him as we got in the car. One of Jaxon's friends took my car home.

(Attach Photo: Morgan in between Riley and Jaxon)

(Riley's Instagram Account): I could honestly say that @MorganThorne is one of my favorite people that I have interviewed. She is just so genuine and honest. Her energy to thrive for what she wants is inspiring. By the way I never was the kind of person to obsess over relationships but this is one pair that I truly wish will end up together. They would be a beautiful couple inside and out.

"Look!" I showed Jaxon as we parked his car at the house. "She's sweet." He said after reading Rylie's caption of her photo on Instagram. "So she supports as a couple?" He asked as we got in the house. "Yeah..." I said and he laughed. "I'm just saying. We would be a cute couple." He joked and I laughed. "How was your family?" I asked. "They were good. They asked me a lot of questions about you." He informed me and I got nervous. "Don't worry not bad questions. Questions like when are you planning to visit them because they haven't seen you in years." He explained and I sighed in relief. "I miss them a lot." I said. "Well, they were wondering if you were free to come over for a small get together tomorrow at their place?" He asked. "That sounds fun. I don't have anything planned for tomorrow so I'm in." I said.

(Attach Photo: Morgan holding up her coffee and flowers smiling at the camera)

Day 42: Interview with Riley went amazing hope you guys had your questions answered! Anyways, someone brought me gifts after the interview. Just what I needed some coffee and flowers. Thanks, B! <3 #100DaysChallenge

Jaxon and I made some sandwiches and ate them on the couch while we watched TV. "I forgot to tell you that my family and I sort of watched your interview..." He said and I blushed hiding my face in the pillow. "Don't be embarrassed." He said laughing. "But it is." I said still hiding my face. He grabbed the pillow and threw it somewhere around the room. "So you admit that you feel something too?" He asked looking into my eyes. I couldn't talk so I just nodded letting him know clear of my answer. "So would you mind if I do this?" He asked as he put his lips on mine. I didn't think and just kissed him back. Feelings started to rush through my body. We parted and he whispered wow. "I'm going to wait for you." He said and I smiled. "Thanks for giving me time." I said and he smiled. "Goodnight beautiful." He said as he walked me to my room. "Goodnight, B." I said kissing him on the cheek and he smiled.

TrulyMorganT: Thankful and blessed even after everything that has happened. <3

TrulyMorganT: Hope you guys enjoyed the interview because I know someone did! ;)

TrulyMorganT: Goodnight my loves.

TrulyMorganT: Patient and kind he is.

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