Day Seventy Two

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I woke up to a sudden movement and I saw Jaxon wiggling his fingers. I looked up at him and held his hand. "Jaxon, wake up. I'me here." I said and he slowly opened his eyes. "Oh my gosh Jax." I said hugging him and he smiled at me. "I thought I lost you." I said tearing. "I'm here B." He said and I gave him a confused look. He never calls me B anymore especially when we started dating. "What's the matter?" He asked and I just shook my head shrugging the thought off. "Let me get your parents." I said. I stood up and walked to get them. "He's awake." I said happily and they all hugged me and walked inside Jaxon's room.

Meghan and Cameron came to me and hugged me. "He's okay." I whispered. "We told you he will pull through." Cameron said and I nodded. We were outside the open door of Jaxon's room giving his family space for them to properly talk about what happened until I heard something that broke my heart into pieces. "Who called B by the way? I can't believe she would still come to see me after not being in touch since we broke up." He said. "Stop joking Jaxon." His mom said sternly. "Joking about what?" He asked. "You and Morgan have met up a month ago and now you have been officially dating for a couple of days." His dad said. "No. That's not possible. We're just best friends. Well, I guess you can say friends since I left her." He said and Lexi walked out to see me balling me eyes out. "Morgan..." She said hugging me tightly. "He doesn't remember our relationship. What kind of a sick joke is this?" I said crying as the three hugged me.

"Morgan." Jaxon's mom said sitting next to me. "We talked to the doctor. Jaxon doesn't remember anything for the past year. He doesn't even remember the accident." She said hoping to make me feel better. "I don't know what to do. I hoped for him to wake up but I didn't want him to forget our relationship." I said. "We will help you make him remember. He's the happiest when he's with you. He will remember." She said rubbing my back. "He wants to talk to you." She said and I nodded getting up from my seat and walking into his room. I slowly closed the door and sat on the seat next to his bed. He was looking at me like he was watching my every move.

"Morgan, I'm sorry." He said and I looked at him. "I want to remember. My parents were talking about our relationship and it sounded like it was the perfect relationship." He said. "Yeah, was." I said disappointed when I heard the word 'was'. "Morgan, I'm trying to remember but the doctor said to give myself a break and not to push it." He explained and I just nodded speechless. "Say something." He said. "What do you want me to say Jaxon? You want me to talk about a relationship that you don't remember? As much as I love you I'm just as lost as you are. I don't know how to process this." I said not trying to raise my voice at him. "I'm sorry. I know this is difficult for the both of us." He said. "Jax, I need time to process this. I have to go back to L.A. I'll come back once you're out of the hospital." I said and he nodded. "I understand." He said and I walked out of his room.

"We will let you know when Jaxon can leave the hospital." Jaxon's mom said hugging me. "I know I shouldn't be the one to walk away but I just want to have time to process it because I don't want my frustration to end up me saying hurtful things to Jax or anyone." I explained. "We understand. We love you okay?" His dad said giving me a hug as well. I said goodbye to Jax's family and headed to the hotel where Meghan and Cameron were staying at so we can grab their bags and we could head out to the airport.

We were now at the airport and thank God that there was a flight that was open. We were now at the gate eating snacks. "I'm sorry for being a chicken and running away." I told them and they stopped eating. "Morgan, you are not being a chicken. You are being true to yourself. No one can make you stop hurting. No one can push you to be okay with this. You need time." Cameron said. "Morgs, don't be so hard on yourself. This isn't an easy thing you are going through. Just be strong and be true to yourself. If you aren't ready then don't push yourself. Take your time baby girl." Meghan said and I nodded. "Thanks guys." I said and they both smiled at me.

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