Day Fifty One

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"Good morning beautiful." Jax kissed me smiling. "Morning handsome." I said in return making him smile. "So what are we doing today?" He asked. "I'm pretty sure we're going to all want to go to the beach." I said and he nodded. "Okay I'm going to go get dressed." He said standing up from the bed. I got up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face. I didn't bother with makeup nor my hair. I dressed a black bikini under my short denim overalls. I walked out of the bathroom to see Jaxon in a tank top with board shorts and flip flops. "It's a win lose that you have a great body." He said staring at me outfit and I looked at him confused. "First of all it's a win for me. It's a lose for everyone else because they can't have you." He states making me laugh. I give him a kiss and grabbed my beach bag. I walked out to the living room to see everyone was in their beach attire.

We left the hotel and I was walking hand in hand with Jaxon. We walked out to the beach to see a spot where it wasn't as packed. The girls and I laid our towels while the boys took off their shirts and headed for the water. "Jax is so protective of you." Lauren said as we were laying down in our bikinis. "You noticed that too? I noticed every time a boy would even glance at Morgs his body stiffens." Aspyn added. "Well, props to the guy because that just goes to show he knows what he wants and doesn't share." Meghan joked making us laugh. "We talked last night about our 'almost relationship.'" I said. "What did he say?" Lauren asked. "Well, we both just stated that we like each other and the right time will come for us to be official." I said. "At least you're half way there." Aspyn said smiling. "We really like you with Jax, Morgs. He makes you so happy." Meghan stated making the girls agree.

"Are you guys going to head in the water?" Jax asked sitting next to me. "Maybe." I said shrugging my shoulders. I felt myself being picked up by a soaking wet body. "Jax!" I yelled making him laugh. He put me down and we both walked hand in hand towards the water. "I'm glad we're here." I said and he agreed. "I'm glad too. It's a break from the cold weather." He said. "And I get to see you with less clothing." He teased making me slap him playfully. "You wish mister." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry." Alex complains as we all laughed. "Of course you are, Alex." Lauren teases her boyfriend. We packed up our stuff and let the boys take it up to the room. Once they came back we decided to walk around to find a restaurant. We finally all agreed to get some burgers. We were escorted to our booth. We ordered our food and the waitress left smiling winking at Jax making me furrow my eyebrows. The girls notice it and looked at Jax who was clueless.

The girl came back with our food almost spilling it all over us because she kept staring at Jax who was still clueless to be honest but he's been staring at me making me smile. The waitress left with a sour face because Jax still hasn't noticed her. Everyone started to eat making small talk. Jaxon raised his hand for the waitress and she came back to our booth with a huge grin on her face. "Napkins please." Jaxon said. "Coming right up." She said happily and walked off. I gave Jaxon a look and he looked at me smiling. "That girl is trying too hard." Lauren said making Alex laugh. The waitress came back and put the napkins handing them to Jaxon and I saw that her number was written on it. Jaxon looked at the napkin and laughed. "Excuse me I would like to return the napkin." He said and the girl looked at him confused. "I don't need your number. I have a beautiful woman in my life and I don't appreciate your silly gestures." He said clearly making the girls giggle and the boys smirk. "Sorry. I didn't know." She said grabbing the napkin and leaving embarrassed. "I'm impressed." Meghan told Jax making us all laugh.

We paid for our food and Jaxon grabbed my hand as we walked out of the restaurant making the girl frown and all of us laugh. We explored walking around until we were all so tired. When we got back to the hotel everyone walked in their room leaving Jax and I in the living room to hang out.

"What do you want to do?" He asked. "I want to talk to fans on Twitter." I told him and he laughed nodding his head.

TrulyMorganT: Hi guys! Jaxon and I are bored and we wanted to answer some of your questions for a bit. So go ahead and tweet your questions with the hashtag #AskMax.

(Fan Account): Jaxon, what is your least favorite thing about @TrulyMorganT #AskMax

TrulyMorganT: (Fan Account) Wow that's a tough one to answer but I think the only thing I can think of is how she sometimes can't take a compliment.

(Fan Account): @TrulyMorganT According to this article you guys are dating so is it true? #AskMax

I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the link that was sent to me. Jaxon and I looked at my phone and I started to read it out loud.

Morgan Thorne completely moved on!

Everyone who ships Morgan Thorne with Luke Hemmings take a step back because it might be official between Thorne and her rumored boyfriend, Jaxon. Rumors have been going around about the two being more than just friends especially with all the photos going around on her Instagram. According to a tweet from a fan based in Hawaii who was eating at a restaurant and happened to notice Jaxon and Morgan walking in hand in hand. She stated that she was too awkward and shy to come up to them. There was an incident that one of the restaurant's waitresses was flirting with Jaxon and even tried to give him her number. Jaxon completely turned her down saying, "I don't need your number. I have a beautiful woman in my life and I don't appreciate you silly little gestures." So have they finally broken their silence and completely admitted that they're dating? So is there no chance that Morgan and Luke will have another chance?

I laughed remembering what happened at the restaurant.

TrulyMorganT: (Fan Account) To make it clear he never said the word girlfriend but I am in his life so we didn't really admit to anything official, lol.

TrulyMorganT: When two people like each other and they want to take the time before making things official isn't bad. Stop snooping and assuming.

TrulyMorganT: Holding hands and all the couple stuff is done because we feel comfortable but it doesn't mean we are officially dating.

Jaxon and I decided to stay away from Twitter for the rest of the day and do something together. "How about we go down to the restaurant and get dinner then we can get in the jacuzzi." Jaxon suggested and I nodded. The both of us took turns getting ready. After showering I decided to wear a black lace long sleeved romper. I paired it with black heels to dress it up more. I did my hair and my makeup. I looked back to see Jaxon changing into a black buttoned down long sleeved top with beige pants and black boots.

(Attach Photo: Full length mirror photo of Jaxon and Morgan in their dinner attire.)

Day 51: Dressing up a bit for dinner tonight. Looking fancy with the babe, Jax <3 Everyone has their own opinion and I respect that, but also respect that in my opinion Jax makes me happy and he will always be in my life no matter what label we put on our relationship. #100DaysChallenge

After dinner we decided to go change into swim wear and jump in the jacuzzi.

"Are you having a great time so far?" I asked Jax as he played with my hand. "Yeah, I love spending time with your friends especially you of course." He said smiling. "So we both agree that we like each other and can do couple stuff right?" I asked. "Of course. That's fine with me. Take all the time you need baby." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek making me smile. We spent the night talking until we decided to go up to the room and get ready for bed.

We both got ready for bed and as usual he fell asleep before me. Before I went to sleep I saw a tweet.

Luke5SOS: So I guess there's really no chance at all.

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