Day Seventy Eight

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I opened my eyes to see a breakfast tray on my table. I got out of bed and opened the letter that was on the tray.

Dear Morgan,

Meghan called me this morning that she heard you nonstop crying last night. I hope you're okay. I want to see you but I decided that you need space, but if you need to talk or see me just call me. I did come in early to make you breakfast in bed though. Hope you enjoy breakfast and feel better. Call me :)

Love, Luke

I smiled at his nice gesture. I grabbed the tray and put it on my bed. I took a bite while I dialed Luke's contact on my phone. It rang for a little bit and then I heard his cheery voice. "Good morning." He chirped. "Morning to you too Luke." I said smiling. "How's my cooking?" He asked. "It's delicious. Thank you for the breakfast." I said. "It was no problem. I just wanted to cheer you up some how." He said. "Well, it definitely worked." I assured him. "Can you come over in thirty minutes so I can tell you what happened?" I asked. "Of course. I'll be there." He said. "Okay, I'll see you." I said and we said our goodbyes.

After eating my breakfast I took a quick shower and changed into a gray crop top and denim shorts. I let my hair air dry and didn't bother with makeup since we were just staying home today. Once I was done I heard my phone ring indicating that Luke was here. I answered the call. "I'm coming down." I said and he chuckled. "Okay." He said and I opened the door and we both hung up the phone. "You look decent for someone who cried all night." He stated and I shrugged. I sat down on the couch and he sat next to me. "If you don't want to talk about it you don't have to Morgs." He said softly holding my hand making me smile. "It's okay. I feel like I need to talk about it." I said and he just nodded waiting for me to talk.

"Jaxon called last night." I said and he looked at me. "No, it wasn't about the news or anything which kind of surprised me." I added and he looked relieved. "I'm really trying to be patient Luke. As much as it hurts to wake up everyday and know that your boyfriend doesn't remember your relationship I still try to live my life. I try to not let it affect my friendships and my job but all I ask in return is for him to give me hope." I said softly. "I said a simple thing about calling me B and he snapped at me. He said it's not his fault that his memories won't come back and that maybe he can't remember because he doesn't want to..." I said tearing. "Hey..." He said putting me on his lap letting me cry in his chest. "He's probably just frustrated with the situation Morgs. You both are under a lot of stress." He said and I just listened to his heart beat. "You both have valid points to be honest. I get that you're trying hard to be supportive and just let him remember on his own but I also get Jaxon. He just probably said that because he didn't know how to control his frustration and sadly he took it out on you." He added. "When will this hurting stop Luke? I just want to be happy." I said softly and I felt him kiss the top of my head. "Soon princess." He said making me smile.

"So do you think I should talk to him?" I asked as we were both on our phones. "Maybe you should surprise him with a visit." He suggested and I looked at him. "Maybe you guys just need to be physically together. You tried being apart and that didn't turn out well. So why don't you try being there physically for him?" He asked making a point. "I have work." I said. "Well you can leave today and see him for a couple of hours then head back." He said. "Will you go with me?" I asked and he finally looked at me. "Do you really think that's a good idea?" He asked. "Well, we're friends and I really need you there." I said and he smiled. "Then of course I'll go." He said and I hugged him quickly.

I changed into a white cropped sweater and black jeans with holes on the knees. Luke was already okay with what he was wearing since he brought a jacket in his car. We booked our flights and it will work out perfectly. We'll be back tonight. Hopefully this is a good idea.

Luke's management was surprisingly supportive of us probably because this just brings more publicity for Luke. We of course are escorted by one of his security which I didn't really mind. We were now waiting at the gate waiting to be called. I decided to take a selfie with Luke for IG.

(Attach Photo: Luke and Morgan selfie with a plane behind them.)

Day 78: Guess where we're heading? :) Thank you so much @LukeHemmings for your never ending support. <3 #100DaysChallenge

We arrived Chicago in one piece after the fans asked us so many overwhelming questions. We got in the car and told the driver the hospital where Jaxon was since he's still not discharged to go home. It took an hour to get there but once we were there I felt nervous all of a sudden. "You'll be okay. I'll be with you the whole time." Luke assured me and I nodded. We walked in the hospital and of course the Jaxon's nurses recognized me. "Surprise visit?" One asked and I nodded making her smile.

Luke and I walked towards his room. Once we were there I didn't bother knocking on the door and just opened it saying surprise, which to be honest I was the one surprised with what I saw. I saw a girl sitting on his bed and they were kissing. They both looked at me and I could feel tears slipping down my face. "B." Jax said and I held my hand up. "Save it Jaxon." I said and obviously it was easy to get away since Jaxon couldn't walk but of course Luke ran after me. We got in the car and Luke hugged me tightly but didn't say a word. "Can you give us a minute?" Luke asked the driver and his security and they both obeyed. I cried harder and Luke tightened his hug still not saying anything.

After a couple of minutes of silence I sat up. "Well, that was a good idea." I said trying to make a joke to lighten up my mood and he cracked a smile. "You're a strong person you know. People don't give you enough credit." He said. "Are you okay?" Luke asked. "At the moment no but I will be eventually." I answered. "I was wrong about him. I'm sorry I even suggested this." He said softly. "Luke, you did nothing wrong. You gave Jax and I a chance to fix things. I'm thankful you suggested this at least I know what he's doing behind my back." I said. "He lost an amazing person in his life you know." He said and I smiled. "I'm ready to go home." I said and he nodded calling the driver and security back in the car.

We were in the plane now heading back home and my head never left Luke's shoulder throughout the whole flight. I admit things were easier with Luke around but I don't want him to feel that I'm using him. I can't explain how I feel right now. All I know is that I'm happy that Luke's here and I'm pretty sure he's happy about that too. "Do you think he's out of the picture for good?" Luke asked. "Luke, cheating is one thing but cheating while in this situation is unforgivable." I said and he nodded. "Remember I'm always here for you Morgs." He said and I smiled. "Thank you for everything Luke. I don't want you to feel that I'm using you. I'm really thankful for you being back in my life." I said sincerely and he smiled. "Of course. No matter what happened between us caring for you will never go away. Being there for you was always my specialty." He joked making me giggle.

"Morgs, you can stay the night with us you know." Luke suggested. "Sure. Let me just call Meghan." I said and he stopped me. "Don't worry about her. She's already at the hotel hanging out with Calum." He said smirking and I laughed. "We were just gone for a couple of hours how did that happen?" I asked and he laughed along with me. We got to the hotel and of course I told the boys what happened and surprisingly I didn't cry.

"Goodnight princess." Luke said and kissed my forehead. "Night. Thanks again for everything Luke." I told him. "No need to thank me." He said and left the room. I was on his bed next to Meghan and he was rooming with Calum. "He cares so much for you." Meghan said admiring Luke's actions. "To be honest I care so much for him too." I said as I looked at Luke's twitter.

Luke5SOS: I have a feeling that my feelings for you will never change. Goodnight princess.

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