Meeting Him

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I sat in my usual seat on the bus in the front waiting for the bus driver to pull out. The noisy kids in the back of the bus didn't quiet down when she asked they only got louder.

"Antonio Gonzalez come to the front of the bus Now!" The bus driver shouted to the back.

"Pipe down miss!" I heard a kid shout from the back of the bus

"I won't tell you again. I'm gonna let your momma come get you!" Her old voice shouted

'Oos' came from the bus

"Alright miss you green as fuck" The boy grumbled

"Sit there" I looked up to see the lady pointing at my seat and groaned.

I felt a body plop down next to me and I heard an annoyed huff. "Alright drive miss" The boy spoke

The lady began driving and I rolled my eyes putting in my ear phones. 5sos started playing as I looked out the window ignoring the boy who I felt staring at me. Suddenly my ear phone was pulled out of my ear. I looked over to see the boy had it in his own.

Dang now that I look at this guy he looks like a freaking model. He had light brown eyes, tan skin, a dark brown quiff, and what looked like soft pink lips. His jaw line looks so sharp i-

My train of thought was cut off when he snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Wha-?" I asked in a daze

"I said you listen to shit music" He repeated

"Oh.. uh... yeah"

"Okay... " he drawled out the 'a'
he took my phone from off my lap and his hand was a bit too close..

He typed in something on my phone then he put my ear phone back in my ear.

"RGF productions" I heard a squeaky voice say. "Aye... Yaaah baby." I rough voice sang. The song continued to play and it was slightly familiar.

When it was over I took the ear bud out. "So you like it ma?" The guy asked. I just realized how thick his Spanish accent is. that's hot.

"Umm yeah I.. uh I liked it" I nodded my head

"Good. You can stop listening to that white people music" he smirked

"Its not white people music.. its all people music"

"Whateva ma" he looked me over then smirked. "So what yo name is?" He asked

"S- sarah " I stuttered

"You got a stuttering problem?" He asked

"No" I managed

"Ight ma" he nodded

"What's your name?" I asked before I remembered that I had already heard the bus driver say it

"You can call me daddy" he huskily stated

"Or I'll call you Antonio" I mumbled while blushing. I'm glad my darker complexion made it invisible

"Aight" he nodded

Suddenly the bus stopped and I was thankful that I wore a seat belt or I would have fell forward like Antonio did. His face slammed against the seat and I immediately reached forward and touched his face to see if he was okay. "Oh my gosh Antonio are you okay?" I asked

"No. I need.. I need you to call me daddy" he groaned

I rolled my eyes and giggled. I pushed him out of the way to get off the bus.

I heard his laughter as I got off. "Hey wait, ma!"

I only began walking faster

He continued after me then I felt a stinging sensation on my butt. I quickly turned around and tried to slap him but he dodged it.

"Why the heck did you just slap my butt?!" I asked angry.

"Cause its fat as fuck. I love the way it moves" he smirked

"Who do you think you are? First you hit me then you criticize me? I'm am not fat!" I shout in his face

He chuckled "I'm not calling you fat I just complimented you so you're welcome ma"

"What? You just called me fat. I'm not saying thank you"

"Whatever heaving a big ass is a good thing" he grinned

"Well... leave me alone" I turned around and angrily marched home.

I heard him chuckle then his retreating foot steps. I grumbled when I got to my empty house. My mom works a lot of hours as a nurse going to multiple peoples houses because she's a CNA.

I flopped down on my bed and quickly drifted to sleep.

I woke up a couple hours later and took a shower before going back to sleep.

Loving Our Differences  (Meeting Him, We Met In A Bus)Where stories live. Discover now