Cry Baby Antonio

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Sarah's POV

I yawned loudly and opened my eyes. I checked my phone to see that it was 9:37

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I walked around the silent and empty house eating. I walked passed the living room window but took a double take when I saw Antonio's car parked out front

What the heck is he doing here?

I finished my cereal then slipped my Nike slides on along with a random T- shirt. I went outside regretting not wearing a jacket since its literally freezing. I approached his car to see him wrapped up in a snuggie that I had bought him last week. He looked so cute and peaceful. His hair was in every direction and his cheeks were tinted pink.

I knocked on the window and he jumped up looking around then his eyes landed on me.

His facial expression completely changed to a smile.

He unlocked the door and I stepped back so that he could get out.

"Good morning." I said looking away from him

"Good morning baby." He pulled me into a hug

I didn't push him away

Last night I was up a little longer thinking about the Caroline girl. She was going behind his back through out their whole relationship while telling him that she loved him and not really meaning it. I did love him, hell I still do. I don't think he could do anything to change my feelings for him especially not over night.

I felt him lightly shacking then I heard sniffling. "Baby I'm so sorry, please give me another chance. I can't live without you." He cried with his head in the crook of my neck

A tear fell down my cheek.

I pushed him off of me to look him in the face. "Yes, you can. You'll be fine without me."

Tears were now coming out of his eyes like crazy. He viciously shook his head

"I- I can't.. I don't want to-" he broke off into sobs

I never thought I'd see Antonio cry. He's always acted tough around me

I wonder if he was this emotional about 'Caroline'

I heard thunder crackle in the sky followed by lightning

"Come inside." I pulled his hand to make him follow behind me.

I shut the door behind the both of us and made him sit on the couch. I could tell that he was trying to stop himself from crying but he couldn't

I went to the kitchen and fixed him a bowl of coco puffs. When I came back he was done crying but his eyes were still red and puffy.

I handed him the bowl then sat on the floor in front of him. I watched him eat the whole bowl a small smile on my face

"Thanks." he mumbled

I nodded my head still staring at him.

"So, about last night. It's actually not what It looked like." I motioned for him to continue which he did. When he was done explaining I sighed letting my shoulders fall

"You could have just told me what she was trying to do."

"I know, I'm so stupid. I just didn't want to hurt our relationship and I wasn't thinking. Now I lost everything." he dropped his head into his hands. I don't want to see him crying anymore. I'm hurt still but I knew he was only doing it with good intentions

I moved close to him so I was kneeling right in front of him. I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

"Baby.. I love you." I whispered in his ear

He looked up at me "You do?" Antonio asked

I nodded my head. "And I'll never leave you." I promised

A huge smile spread across his face in an instant

"I love you so much babe."

I smiled. "Good, now stop crying like a little baby." I chuckled

He laughed too

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