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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. My eyes cracked open but shut back when the bright light from the sun was shown through the window

I picked up my phone and waited for my eyes to adjust to the lighting. The screen read 'mom'

I answered but said nothing

"Honey?" Her cheerful voice rang through the phone

"Yes mom?" I asked trying to be quiet trying not to wake the sleeping Antonio

"We are about to get on the plane wish us a safe trip."

"Okay mom, I love you." I said

"Okay honey, wait where are you?" She asked

"Home." I Answered like it was obvious

"Its.. 9 o'clock there. Why aren't you at school?" She questioned

"Oh shoot, I must've over slept." I rubbed my forehead

"Alright honey I need to go, I'll see you when we get back Oscar said hello" before I could reply she hung up

I laid my head back against my pillow and sighed. I replayed the events of the night before in my mind. It was amazing. More than amazing. I can't put into words how great it was

I turned over expecting to face a sleeping Antonio but I was only met with a cold pillow and cover.

I sat up but quickly regretted it. A huge pain was soaring through my 'lower area'

I held my stomach in silent pain for a minute. I stood up and took steady steps to my door. I opened it and walked out into the empty living room

Did he leave? Was I that bad?

"Antonio?" I called out

No answer

"Are you in here?"

No answer 

I went back into my room and got my phone, I dialed his number and called

It rung maybe three times before it went to the voicemail

So I was that bad..

Maybe he went to school, Yeah. He must've gone to school. Nothing to worry about

I sat down on my bed and went to snapchat. He posted something 20 minutes ago

I watched all of his story until his recent one. It was a picture of him. He wore a snap back and a Black T-shirt from what I saw.

I tried calling him on snapchat but no answer 

He has to be at school.


My phone began ringing loudly in my room.

I got off of my couch and ran almost tripping over my own feet. I jumped on my bed and snatched my phone up

My screen read 'Manatee County Jail'

I furrowed my eyebrows confused but answered anyway

"You are receiving a call from.." the machine spoke

"Antonio Gonzalez." I heard Antonio's voice now

My eyes widened at the sound of his voice

"Would you like to accept?" The machine asked

"Y-yes yes."

The line went silent.

"Hello?" I heard Antonio's voice on the other line now

Loving Our Differences  (Meeting Him, We Met In A Bus)Where stories live. Discover now