Cheating Antonio?

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The next day I just spent at Antonio's house laying around. We hung out with his mom who is really nice and supportive of our relationship. I wish my mom would do the same. She also cooked us some chicken

lol I hope she didn't cook that because I'm black.

I know I have to go back home eventually but I really don't want to face my mom. I know she's gonna be even angrier since I left without asking.

It's like 10pm and Antonio and I just walked up to my house.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I hope"

"Bae calm down. She won't kill you." He insisted

I sighed. "She might." I said completely serious

He chuckled "No she wont. Your mom loves you just go in there and I'll see you in the morning."

"Fine." I stood on my tippy toes and pecked him on the lips. I wanted to say 'I love you' so badly but I knew it wasn't the right time

He hugged me. "Bye."

He took his skateboard and skated down the street. I watched until he disappeared

I walked into the house to see the kitchen light on and I heard something fall. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom cleaning up some spilt cereal from the ground.

I got the broom and dust pan. "I've got it mom." She moved away. I swept it up and threw it away

"Thank you."

"Sure." I shrugged

I leant against the counter knowing that she wanted to talk. "Where we're you at?" She asked

"I went to his house." I said

"What's his name?"


"I thought you were getting back with that Tyler boy. He was nice to you and he didn't pressure you to do nothing you ain't want to." She sucked her teeth

"Antonio isn't pressuring me to do anything that I don't want to. I wanted to do it with him. He even asked me like three times if I really wanted to. He's a nice guy to me."

"Did y'all even have a condom?" She questioned. I didn't answer. "Of course not. Wow so you wouldn't mind catching a virus for a boy? You wouldn't mind getting pregnant for a boy that probably don't care nothin bout you?"

"Mom! He does care about me! At least he's here for me more than you are. I barely see you anymore. When I do see you we barely even speak!"

"Don't you raise your v-" i quickly cut her off

"And don't forget about the way you hurt me. Yes I forgave you but I can't just forget that easy. Every night you would take your pain and anger out on me! I'm sorry mom but it's not my fault and it never was. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to save him. News flash you didn't save him either mom!" I stomped out of the kitchen with hot tears rolling down my face.

I fell asleep quickly wishing to magically disappear.

I woke up feeling awful. I had a headache and I really just didn't want to get up. I groaned and got out of bed. I took a hot shower and got dressed. I wore an oversized white hoodie my white air forces and black and white addidas track pants.

I threw my hair into a ponytail and left the house I went to the bus stop. God I need a car!!

When I got there Antonio came to me. "Damn you look like shit."

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