Not hard to explain a box of condoms

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"I'm home." I called to the quiet house

"Yaay!" I heard his footsteps rushing towards me.

I put all of the bags on the counter

"Baby, I missed you!" Antonio came into the kitchen then picked me up and squeezed me into a hug.

I giggled. "I was gone less than an hour"

"Yeah, what took so long? Publix is like 2 minutes away damn."

"Uh, long line" I lied

"Yeah, Publix be hella packed." He shrugged and let go of me

He picked up the box of vanilla wayfers off of the counter. "Ooh I love these."

I snatched the box from him. "I bought you some chips, these are for desert."

He grumbled but dug in the bag pulling out puff cheetos

"Awe babe, you know me so well." He kissed my cheek. "I love you so much." He lightly kissed me on the lips then on the cheek again

"I love you too baby." I held his chin in place so I could kiss him longer. He gripped my butt tightly and kissed me back. He smacked my butt and pulled away

"You smell like my Axe spray."

I smelt my shirt. It must've got on me when Tyler pulled me on him

"Yeah, I've been around you all day." I shrugged

"It's so strong"

"Because you keep touching me."

"You better finish cooking before you burn the house down." He took his chips and went into the room

He already turned the stove/ oven off so I set everything out of the table.

"Babe you wanna help me make the banana pudding?" I asked


When he came back I had him just crush the wayfers while I cut the bananas then spread them in a big platter/bowl. I poured the milk in and added a spoon full of vanilla. "Here now pour them in here." I ordered

"Yes ma'am." He chuckled

He poured the crushed wayfers into the bowl.

"Now we eat." I put the pudding into the refrigerator and went to sit at the table.

We finished eating dinner and dessert quickly. "My God, My moms gonna love you even more when she finds out that you can cook"

I laughed "Thanks."

I cleared the table then followed Antonio to my room. He was already laid out on my bed with his hands under his head.

"You wanna watch a movie?" He asked

'No I just want you.' I thought to myself.

"Uh, yeah." I got in the bed next to him

He went to Netflix then. "Ooh I've been waiting to watch this movie again, I actually liked it" he said pushing play to the movie Brotherly Love. We watched this together like three weeks ago and I loved it.

Halfway through the movie I looked over at Antonio who was really focused on the movie. What would he say if I told him that I was ready to do 'it'? I don't think he wants to anymore. What am I even saying? Of course he wants to do it, we haven't done anything since the day before Tina did what she did.

'heres my chance.'

I got off of bed and turned the tv off.

"Babe what the hell?" He grumbled

I held my finger out to him then ran out of my room and downstairs. I picked up the box of condoms off of the counter then ran back upstairs.

"Sarah what the heck are yo-"

"Shut up I'm trying to say something." I stated

He sighed "What is it?" He asked

I took a deep breath. "I completely understand if you don't want to, I didn't want to at first but I feel like its time and I really want to-

"Sarah are you breaking up with me?" He asked interrupting me

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Trust me, it's nothing close to that."

"Then what is it?" he asked sounding impatient

"Well if you'd listen to me then you'd know." I gave him a stern look

"Fine, tell me." He sat up against the head board trying to figure out what I was about to say

"Well.." I trailed, I really do not know how to put this

I put the box of condoms in my jackets pocket then I got on the bed in front of him and sat criss cross. I played with my fingers for a while trying to figure out how to say this.

He scooted closer to me and grabbed my hand. He brought the back of my hand to his lips

"Babe, you can tell me anything." He assured

I breathed in and looked up at him. "Okay, well.. My mom wont be back until tomorrow and this is technically our last day that we have the house to our selves.. And I know that my mom told us not to do anything or whatever but I like really really want to." I explained

His face instantly brightened

"Oh thank God, I thought you were going to say we needed a break or something." He sighed sounding relieved

Antonio pulled me into a hug and kissed all over me face.

"Well thats not really the answer that I was looking for." I mumbled

He pulled back "I don't feel like you're ready."

"Bu- I am ready, I've been thinking about it all day. I really really want to."

He sighed. "I feel like you're saying that to make me feel-"

I got on top of him and began kissing him, he immediately kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Wait." I pulled away from him and took the box out of my pocket

He raised his eyebrows at me

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