Violence Is The Answer

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I rolled my eyes at Tina. "Shut up we didn't do anything." I lied

"Okay bitch I see how you do." She teased making me laugh. "Yall so freaky. I could already tell y'all did something by the way Antonio was acting, he just confirmed it."

I glared at Antonio who wasn't listening to what we were talking about. "Why does he have to tell you everything?" I threw my hands up frustrated and blushing

"Cause I'm his best friend." She pulled him in a hug

"Y'all still talking about that?" He asked putting his phone in his pocket

"Yes because you decided to tell her that you got a f'ing blow job." I hissed

"I'm not gonna lie to her she's my best friend." He hugged her back and kissed her forehead

I rolled my eyes. "You didn't have to tell her dog poopoo." 

They both laughed "Dog poopoo?" Antonio asked

"Yes I refuse to cuss anymore its a bad habit." I shrugged

They both laughed. "Your such a good girl."

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up to see Michael, I rolled my eyes a the sight of my former best friend that decided he'd rather ignore my existence than continue to be my friend.

"What do you want?" I hissed

He looked over at Tina and a Antonio. "Tyler, Erika, Serenity and I want to talk to you."


"Tell him to go to hell and you all can go with him." Tina exclaimed

"Girl I don't know who the fuck you are but this isn't your business and you don't even know what you're talking about so shut the fuck up." Before I knew what was happening Michael was sprawled across the floor and Antonio was standing over him with his fists balled up

Kids were everywhere shouting and had their phones out recording.

"Now don't say shit else to us bitch." Antonio spat down at Michael.

Antonio dragged both me and Tina out of the cafeteria. I didn't know where we were going until we got to the car. "Shit." Antonio hissed banging his fist against the steering wheel

I kind of feel bad because Michael and I have been friends since.. I don't even remember and I'm leaving with the guy that just knocked him out. Not only that but I haven't even known this guy for a year yet. I stayed quiet though

"What the fuck just happened?" Tina asked just as confused as me

Antonio pulled out of the school gates and sped down the road. "Slow down." I insisted

He didn't seem to hear it as he went faster. "For real Antonio slow the fuck down."  Tina demanded

I thought about how upset he must've been the night of the accident with Caroline

"Can you guys please just shut the fuck up for once!" He shouted scaring me and pulling me out of my thoughts

He stopped at a red light. "Go to my house my moms at work."  I stated

We got to my house in no time since Antonio wouldn't slow down.

"Tina can I talk to him real quick? My keys under the door mat." 

She got out of the car letting me climb to the front seat. He looked so angry with his veins popping out of his arms.

"Sarah I don't want you to tell me that I'm wrong for hitting him. So if you bout to tell me that just don't say shit." He grumbled

"I'm not." I promised. We sat in silence with him gripping the steering wheel and I stared at him. "Babe?" I sighed moving closer to him. He didn't say anything so I sat on his lap. "Daddy." He looked anywhere but at me. "Daddy." I said after pecking his cheek. "I love you." I stated. I could tell that he was cooling down now. "Do you love me?" I asked. He didn't answer but kept looking around like he didn't see me. "You don't love me?" I asked faking hurt.

He rolled his eyes finally looking at me. "You're so annoying." He smiled

"But you love my annoying self." I pressed my lips against his letting my eyes flutter shut. He finally let go of the steering wheel to grip my waist.

He  pulled away from the kiss. "Of course I love you" I kissed him again "Maybe we can leave Tina here for a little while and try something."

I giggled "Yeah.. no. Let's go inside before she thinks we actually did do something." I joked getting off him and climbing out of the car.

We got inside to see Tina on the couch munching on some pop corn. "Damn y'all finally decided to show up. What was y'all fuckin in the car?" She asked plopping another pop corn in her mouth

I blushed "So what are we watching?" I asked sitting next to her

"Keith again." She giggled

Antonio groaned "Do you guys ever get tiered of watching this dumb ass movie?"

"Nope." We both answered watching the screen

He chuckled and laid on the other couch

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