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It's been two and a half weeks of Sarah and I's open relationship thing. I'm not gonna lie I fucked two girls. I got drunk one time and slept with a girl that I didn't know. And the other time... I was just really horny and Sarah wasn't

I haven't told her. I'm not planning on telling her either. I feel bad sometimes because I know she doesn't really want me to sleep around but she wants to be with me.

Sarah still talks to that punk nigga even though I specifically told her not to about 100 times.

She be getting on my nerves sometimes too. I tell her do one thing she turn around and do the opposite. The fuck kind of sense that make?!

Usually she good though, she's better at sucking dick too. I could say she the best I've ever had.

At the moment we are literally watching Netflix and chilin. I wasn't really watching the show the new girl since it was really lame (yall should watch that show it is really good) I was texting some hoe named Kim.

Kim: you wanna come over later?

Antonio: I'm with my girl all day. Maybe tonight if I can sneak away

Kim: kay text me or w.e.

I was about to text her back but my phone was snatched away. "What the hell?" I sat up quickly and tried to grab my phone but she yanked it back

"Who the heck are you texting?!" Sarah yelled

"No body give me my phone back" I reached for it again but she held it behind her.

She squinted her eyes to read it. "So you're going to nobodies house later? Your 'sneaking' away from me to chill with nobody." She scrolled through my phone. "Who's kim?" She asked. Shit.

I threw my head back in frustration and ran my hands through my hair

"It's nobody. Give me my phone back." I held my hand out

"You're a freaking liar. Who is she? Did you have sex with her?"

"No, Stop ma she's nobody. Chill out, give me my phone."

"You want your phone?" She asked

"Yes I can show you who she is." I lied

"Then fetch you dog." She threw it at the wall

I'm pretty sure it didn't cracked but I could tell that she was really mad

"Get the hell out Antonio!" I knew I messed up since she hasn't said my name like that in a minute. She usually calls me Toni, tonio, or daddy

"Whoa chill. Why the fuck you gotta do that ? You wildin. Listen I didn't fuck her okay and even if I did fuck her you said that I could so why does it matter? Maldita sea usted est'a maldito loca." I stood up and picked my phone up. Thank God it's not cracked.

"What'd you just say to me?" She asked and stood up

"I said your fucking crazy cus you are."

I slid my phone in my pocket so she wouldn't do anything crazy

"Leave Antonio! I don't want you here." She sat down

"Ma I'm not leaving you here alone" I sat in front of her again

I'm surprised she isn't crying. I don't want her to cry but usually she'd be crying. She's way too emotional sometimes.

"Antonio tell me you haven't slept with any girls" She practically pleaded

"Yes I slept with other girls. You told me that this was our open relationship thing. Why are you so mad? It's not like I liked them bitches I just was.. you know horny. I knew you didn't want to do it so I went to them. I don't even talk to them. You're like the only female I really chill with. You should know that since we hang out every day and you always tryna go through my phone." I joked

"Fine I'll give you what you want." She climbed on top of me and began kissing my neck

'Finally' I thought to myself. I gripped her butt. "You sure?" I asked. I really just asked to sound nicer but I'm about to go ham in this pussy.

"Yeah. then you won't have to go to other girls and we can just be.. us."

Ugh now I feel bad. "You don't have to. If you really want me to I can try to stop seeing other girls. I don't want you to do this just because I want to. I want to know that you want to do it too." I lightly pushed her away to look her in the eyes

"I want to I really do. I'm ready" She said. I knew she was lying but..

"Okay Good."

She leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back and worked my hands back to her ass again. I harshly smacked it and squeezed. I broke the kiss. "All fucking mine. Tell daddy whose it is"

"Its yours daddy." She moaned

'Good girl' I thought. I pulled her shirt off and threw it across the room. I looked at her boobs and smirked. I unbuckled her pants but was scared shitless when the door opened and I heard a gasp. I turned to see a short brown skin lady who looked a lot like Sarah.

My eyes widened and I practically threw Sarah off of me. "What the fuck are you doing in my house? Sarah get your ass up now. Oh my goodness I'm going to kill you! Put your clothes on and come into the living room!" The lady shouted before slamming the door

Sarah sat frozen in place staring at the door. Oh shit.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she brought her knees to her chest. "I can't believe that just happened." She whispered

I nodded agreeing. "I- I think I need to go-"

"No don't leave me here. Stay with me I'm scared." She quickly stood up in front of me. I looked down at her body and quickly breathed in. We both looked down at my boner.

"Um I'm sure if she see's this she'll kill me."

"No please don't leave Antonio"

"She's not gonna hurt you Sarah."

She looked pained for a second. "Please."

I sighed. "Fine put your clothes on." I sat back down and buried my head in my hands. This boner ain't goin nowhere any time soon. When she was finished I got off the bed and grabbed her hand. "Let's get this over with." We walked down the stairs silently

Sarah's mom was sitting on the couch still fuming. Sarah looked scared out of her mind. What's the worst she could do? Ground her?

"Would either of you like to explain the situation that I walked into?" She asked in a business like tone.

Sarah looked up at me. I crossed my arms. "We were bout to have sex for the first time." Both of them gasped letting me know I said something wrong. "About to have sex for the first time?" I tried fixing the word bout to about

"Sarah what the hell? I thought I raised you better than this? You run around being a houchie mama and that's how you get pregnant or sick. See I'm gonna stop telling you because you so damn hard headed. I should beat the fuck outta your ass. You know yo daddy would be ashamed if he could see you now. Now get this boy out of my house. And I want that phone." She stood up and marched away. She pushed passed us and marched up the stairs. A  couple seconds later we heard a door slam shut.  We stood in silence staring at where the lady had just sat.

I looked over at Sarah to see tears rolling down her face. "I'm sorry ma" I hugged her and kissed her head. I picked her up I took her outside and was forced to leave my skate board there. I carried her all the way home. She kept mumbling over and over how she made a big mistake and that she didn't mean it. I knew she wasn't really ready. Luckily my mom wasn't home when we got there

I laid her on my bed. She wasn't crying anymore instead lightly snoring. I laid next to her and kissed her forehead. I covered us both up with my cover before falling asleep next to her

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