Why Can't We Be Friends

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This morning I woke up to my cold bedroom and groaned. I sat up and wished that I had bought some type of carpet. I rushed to my closet and pulled out a red and black flannel, black jeans, and my black and white Fall Out Boy crop top.

I looked at my clock on my wall to see that it was already 6:45 and my mom is not gonna drive me to school. I quickly pulled on my clothes, brushed my teeth, and slipped on my socks and black vans.

I threw my book bag on my back and ran outside not forgetting to lock the door. When I got to my bus stop the bus had just got there right on time

I sat in my usual seat but this time a certain Greek God had been sitting there.

I sat down next to him and awkwardly waved. "Good morning ma" he nodded towards me

"Good morning Antonio"

"So how'd you sleep? You think about me?" He asked casually

I blushed "umm I slept well. How about you?" I changed the subject

"Mm, good. I thought about you" he smirked

"Oh. Haha umm yeah" I awkwardly rambled.

"You real shy ma I can tell"

"Yeah. Umm I'm gonna call you Tonio or Toni like for short" I blurted

He chuckled. "Okay, I'd rather you call me daddy but I'll take what I can get"

I nod again and nervously fidgeted with my fingers. I felt a warm hand grab onto mine

"Chill out you actin scared or sumthin, I won't bite... well unless you tempt me" he held onto my hand

Little did he know that made me even more nervous.

"O- okay" I mumbled

The rest of the way we just sat in silence until we reached school and he hugged me and kissed my cheek while I awkwardly stood. I began walking to the cafeteria when I was suddenly spun around

"What the fuck sarah?" I looked up to see my best friend/ Ex boyfriend

"Oh hey Ty What's wrong?" I asked confused

"You just kissed Antonio Gonzalez." he dramatically stated

"You know him?" I asked then continued walking

"Everyone knows that kid. He's bad news" He warned

I rolled my eyes. "I met him yesterday and he's actually really nice" I mumbled not really paying attention to him. I waved and smiled at people I knew passing by

"Cause he's just trying to get in your pants" Tyler grumbled

I sighed then turned to him. "Listen Ty, YOU cheated on ME ruining our relationship, so you can't get jealous. Its like every time I find someone who might make me happy you start talking shit about them. Tyler I'm not saying your a bad guy.. But you portray yourself as the best guy. We can't get back together okay? I'm glad you're watching out for me since you're my best friend but fuck off." wow that's the first time I said a curse word in front of Tyler since we broke up.

He sighed and closed his eyes. "I- I gotta go" he turned back around leaving the building.

Tyler or for short Ty is white, he has dark brown hair in a quiff, he dresses kinda like a hipster and his face is basically perfect. I mean not perfect like Antonio. Wait why am I comparing them? I shrugged and went into the cafeteria. "Hey bitch!" I was tackled in a hug by who I knew as my Best Best Best friend Michael

I giggled "Hey Mikey" he let go of me and slung his arm over my shoulder. Michael is about a giant compared to my 5'2 frame

Michael is really attractive he is mixed with white and black, he has curly hair, dark brown eyes, and dresses better than me. Which is why for the entire 8th grade year he dressed me. Including when he was sick.

Loving Our Differences  (Meeting Him, We Met In A Bus)Where stories live. Discover now