Beach day

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This morning we woke up at 11 something. I made pancakes, eggs, and bacon then we ate together in the dining room then Antonio went home to get some clothes and his board.

I got dressed in my dotted bikini  I wore my white shorts and my black loose crop top over. Hopefully Antonio won't freak out so much we are going to the beach.

I packed two salads in case we get hungry. I also packed two Gatorade s and one honey bun for myself.

When I was ready I slid on my sandals and grabbed my board. I slipped my phone in my back pocket. I stepped outside right when Antonio came up.

I handed him my bag. "There is food, drinks, and towels in there. Ooh I almost forgot my underwater camera" I ran back inside and got it from off my bed. I handed it to Antonio who just rolled his eyes.

"You also forgot to give me head this morning" he stepped to me. He wrapped his arms around me and gripped my butt and pressed his boner against my stomach.

"When we get back"

"Fine." He let go of me and threw my bag over his shoulders. He picked up his board and walked to the concrete. We began skating the 10minutes to the beach

When we got there, there were a bunch of people walking, tanning, and swimming.This is is going to be fun. I took the bag from Antonio and took out the towels. I laid my board on my towel and laid his towel out next to mine. I began taking my shirt off but he stopped me.

"Whoa whoa what are you doing?" He asked looking around

"I'm going swimming.."

"What if some pervert looks at your boobs?"

"You're the only pervert that's gonna look at my boobs" I joked

He rolled his eyes. "Okay but don't blame me if some ugly guy comes up to you trying to take down your number"

"Whatever." I took my shirt off and pulled my shorts. "See the only ugly pervert that wants my number that is looking at my boobs is you" I teased

He shrugged He stood with his shirt still on. I rolled my eyes and stepped to him. I pulled his shirt up over his head. I couldn't help but to stare at his chest. "Who's the pervert now?" He teased

"Now come on I wanna get wet."

"That's what she said" he laughed

I furrowed my eyes confused. Whatever. "Come on" I pulled him to the water.

After about 10 minutes of swimming and horse playing and taking pictures we went back to shore. While walking hand and hand back to our stuff I showed him a picture of him making a weird face underwater. I giggled lightly and kept scrolling. While we were walking we heard a high pitched voice call out "Antonio!"

We turned to see a tall blonde girl. She wore some high waisted shorts that didn't cover her butt and a black bikini top.

Antonio let go of my hand causing me to look up at him. "Hey um go sit down and eat or something I'll be right there" he lightly pushed me away.

"I'm not hungry yet"

He was about to say something before the girl approached us. "Hey Antonio you were in such a rush to go last night. Damn what happened to your face?" She began caressing his face and he shrugged. "Whatever, you left your phone at my house. If I knew you were gonna be here I would have brought it. You can come get it tonight I guess" she obviously flirted

I cleared my throat. "Hi I'm Sarah" I greeted

She looked me over. "Amber" She looked annoyed when she said that.

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