Am I invited?

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After the teachers found out about the fight they really couldn't do much because they didn't know for sure who started it. They gave Antonio and Michael in school detention so they have to see each other everyday for 5 days all day.

Other than that everything's been great. Serenity and Erika apologized for Michael and Tyler and Erika told me that she'll try to keep both of them away from me.

Tina is now my best friend! Yes I stole her away from Antonio. We practically do everything together.

Today is February 13th the day before Valentine's day. Antonio and I planned to spend the whole weekend together.

My mom finally got a boyfriend. Well I shouldn't say finally since they've been dating behind my back for two months. Two freaking months! I met him and He seemed pretty nice so I don't see why she kept it a secret. They went on a trip to Florida, they plan to just sit on the beach and relax. Yeah right I bet they're gonna be 'relaxing' in that hotel room.

She made me promise not to do anything with Antonio but I really don't think I can keep that promise. Plus Antonio is getting really really touchy feely with me. I mean he wants me to give him head and stuff almost everyday so I'm pretty sure he's expecting something while she's gone away I kinda want to too. I had just got out of the shower and straightened my hair. I decided to not dress revealing since I'm not really trying to do nothing with Antonio and dressing revealing might trigger him to move onto me and I wouldnt try to stop him either. I'm doing all this so that I can keep the promise I have with my mom. I wore gray Nike sweat pants, a black v neck with my Nike slides and black socks

Soon my front door was opened and in came Antonio. "Damn you look sexy." He Complimented pulling me into a hug and kissing my neck

"I'm not even dressed up though."

"I told you that you look good in everything." He pulled away and Walked up the stairs. I followed him to my room already knowing what he wanted. It seems like he's always.. turned on? Almost everyday he'll be like. 'Babe I need my dick sucked.' Or 'Babe im horny' or 'babe I really need you to come over for me.'

I mean I'm not bothered I actually like making him feel like that but I promised my mom..

"I need you right now." He pulled me on the bed so that I was sitting in his lap.

"You do?"

"Mmhm really bad." He kissed my check and my neck before his lips landed on mine


I stood in the kitchen waiting on this dumb microwave pizza. Antonio had fallen asleep once he was done as I wasn't even almost tiered. It's only 9:00 right now and He's been asleep for a couple hours

The microwave finally dinged signalling that my pizza was done cooking.

I was taking the pizza out when I felt a stinging sensation hit my butt

I jumped and turned around holding my butt. Antonio stood smirking down at me. "What's wrong with you?" I hissed

"Nothings wrong with me, your ass is just so fat." He shrugged

I rolled my eyes and turned back around to get my pizza. I carried the plate to the living room and sat on the couch. I was half way through my pizza when I looked up to see Antonio watching me eat

"What?" I asked

"You eating the pizza like you ain't gonna share."

"I'm not."

He grumbled and went into the kitchen. When he finally came back he held a box of left over chicken

He sat down next to me.

"There's a party in Palmetto." He mentioned

"So." I shrugged

"I'm tryna head there." He stated munching on the chicken like he hadn't eaten in years

"I don't wanna go." I whined

"I mean.. I wasn't really asking you to come."

I furrowed my eye brows. "So even if I wanted to go you would have left me?"

"Not leave you, but.. yeah. I told my friends that I'd be there."

"And why don't you want me to go?" I asked

"Its not that I don't want you to go, I just.. it's not like you. You not the type of girl to go to a party like this."

I scoffed. "I am the type of girl to go to parties." I defended

"When was the last time you went to a party?" He challenged

"Last year I went to my mom's friends house party."

He chuckled "That exactly what in talking about. Trust me you wouldn't like it anyway."

"Does Tina know about this?" I asked crossing my arms

He didn't answer making me narrow my eyes. "Yes, she invited me. But she told me not to invite you because you wouldn't like it" He admitted.

"Im gonna kill her! You're taking me with you Antonio." I demanded

He groaned. "Fine it's not that big of a deal babe calm down."

I smirked and stood up. "I'm gonna go get dressed."

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