First Kiss With Digiorno

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I finished cooking the pizza all the while standing in the kitchen.

I took it to the living room to see it empty. Did he leave? Ugh oh my gosh. Why am I so awkward? I mean why would I back away? He's so cute and bad but at the same time he's so good. I barely know him though. The guy wants me to call him daddy. I don't know if that was like his fetish or something but I'm tempted to actually call him that. Is that bad?

I slumped and took the pizza to my room. I was very shocked to see Antonio laying on my bed. "Daddy. I- i mean Antonio. Tonio I.." Oh god. Kys

"You finally calling me by my name." he smirked sitting up.

"I have pizza."

"Good." He patted my bed

I sat down next to him. "Uh it's Digiorno" I awkwardly said

"Mmhm you told me that already." he chuckled

I laughed with him a bit hoping for it to sound real

He began eating the pizza and finished his slice quickly. I watched him the whole time as he stuffed himself

When he caught me staring I blushed and looked down. "Ya know when you didn't let me kiss you earlier it hurt my feelings" he spoke. He rested his hand high on my thigh making me forget how to breath for a second. I looked at his hand as it rubbed up and down my thigh

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean that it was just my reflexes or something." I apologized

"Its okay ma. You wanna try again?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Good." he pulled my face to his slowly and let our lips meet. I immediately closed my eyes how soft his lips are.

He laid me back so he was on top of me. His hands roamed down my sides. And I heard him groan. He flipped us over so I was now on top of him.

He gripped my hips then slid one hand to my butt. He squeezed it then let his hand come down hard smacking it. I squealed and rocked my hips. "Fuck, you don't understand what your doing to me." he began trailing kisses down my neck and bit down. I moaned lowly.


"Say my name ma" he huskily spoke then sucked on my neck harder

"Daddy" I yelped and moved my hips against his. I felt something poke me but it felt good there. I did it again and this time Tonio groaned

"Fuck ma you don't wanna do that." he hissed

"It feels good." I stated and rolled my hips again

"Ma don't do that." he weezed and held on to my waist. I ignored him and did it again. "Sarah I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you if you don't stop." he groaned

"Why are you bein-" I looked down shocked to see that he was erm... erected?

All of my exes and I ever did was kiss then we went no further so this is different

"Uh that's weird" I mumbled not being able to take my eyes off of it.

When I did manage to get my eyes off of it I saw Antonio grimacing

"I'm sorry I bet your creeped out plus your a virgin. Fuck" he groaned and covered his face with his hands

"I'm not a virgin" I quickly lied

He uncovered his face "You ain't?" He asked

"No..." I lied

He groaned and covered his face again. "Yeah you are."

I sighed. "Yeah."

"I better go before we do something you regret" he lightly pushed me off of him and sat up.

"Wha- no. We can just hang out or something" I insisted

He thought about it. "Aight but you betta not try no shit"

I giggled "I won't geez"

He sat back down on the edge my bed. "Soo what do you wanna do?" He asked

I shrugged and bit my lip. "I don't know."

Suddenly he climbed on top of me and wildly kissed me. I couldn't hold back the giggle.

After about 10 minutes of intense making out and alot of neck biting on both of our parts I sat on Antonio's lap straddling him. I trailed my finger over his neck tracing the hickey that I left.

"I'm sorry about that. It looks awful" I whined

"Well you should see your neck" he insisted

I gasped then hopped up. I rushed to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I groaned as I seen the purple bruises all over my neck. "Shoot" I hissed. I rubbed my neck hoping it might go away. It didn't. "My mom is going to murder me" I seriously said

"I'll put more to even it out" he joked and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Antonio that's not funny. Ugh. what time is it?" I asked

He let go of me and pulled his phone out. He showed me and it was 4:21 already

"My mom is going to be here any second you need to go" I rushed

"I can hi-"

"No, heck no you have to go." All of a sudden I heard the front door shut

"Sarah I'm home." she called.

"Okay mom I'm in my room" I replied nervously

When she didn't reply I turned back to Antonio.

He had a dumb smirk on his face. "Leave" I demanded

"Fine fine. I'll see you in the morning." He winked. He opened my window and hopped out with ease. I looked down to where he stood

"Bye ma" he blew a kiss to me

"See you later Toni"

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