My Fault

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"I'm sorry mom." I apologized for the 300,000th time.

She grumbled and left to her room slamming the door behind herself. "You lost a really nice girl!" She shouted

I clenched my eyes shut. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I went to my room and laid down in my bed. I already miss her.

I need to be next to her.

This was supposed to be our weekend.

Without thinking I ran out of my room then out of my house. I hopped into my car and drove down the road. What can I say? 'I'm sorry?' I'm such a dumb ass.

I'll never forgive Tina for this.


I walked up the stairs in search for Tina. I really wanna get back to Sarah though

I opened random doors (regretting it half the time)

I opened the last door to see Tina laying one the bed with the lights dim and actual rose pedals leading towards the bed that she laid on. "What the hell are you doing T?" I asked shutting the door behind me.

"Antonio I know you still want me. That little girl didn't change the fact that you had a crush on me since elementary school. This is your chance." She stood from the bed letting the sheet that she had wrapped around her shoulders fall to the ground. Now every part of her body was exposed to me. My eyes trailed down her body and I licked my bottom lip.

Wait what the fuck?

"What are you doing T? I thought you guys were cool."

She smacked her lips together "I don't like that dumb ass bitch. Do you know how easy it is to manipulate her? Oh wait duhh. You have her feeding out of the palm of your hand." I began to speak but she cut in. "That's exactly why we could do this and she wouldn't even expect it. We can be smiling in her face and be fucking later on." She giggled

I looked at her wide eyed. "Tina.. What the hell is wrong with you?!" she pouted but said nothing. "You have got to be kidding me, are you freaking serious?" 

"Antonio stop yelling at me! You've wanted to hook up for years and now I'm naked in front of you and you're saying no?!" she screeched  

"Sarah is literally downstairs.. like my GIRLFRIEND sarah! I'm not fucking cheating on her!" I snapped

Tina came forward to me with an annoyed look on my face. "Oh, you wont? But you already did, that's what I can tell 'Sarah'."

"Your'e black mailing me?.. Tina we've been bestfriends since we were seven!"


"You're crazy. Sarah won't belive you." I turned to leave the room

"Ah Antonio!" She moaned behind me

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my head back to look at her. "What are you doing?" I asked

"Someone will hear me screaming your name. If she doesn't believe me she'll believe everyone else."

She started moaning loudly almost screaming.

I rubbed my hand down my face.

Should I cheat on my girlfriend and not let her find out or should I go find her and let Tina tell her that I was messing around with her?

I cant mess this up with Sarah. We have grown together so much. Everything is perfect with her. Tomorrow is Valentines day

"Okay fine, You can't tell her." She smirked and laid on the bed on her back. "Im fucking serious Tina. Don't say shit to her after this." I crossed my arms and looked at her with a stern look.

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