Tyler's trophy

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I kicked my shoes off and dropped my book bag on the floor as soon as we got into the house.

"Are you hungry?" I asked already knowing the answer

"Yup." Antonio said extending the 'p'

I giggled to my self and left to the kitchen

Today is the last day of my moms vacation so she should be home by tomorrow

I'm kind of glad that shes finally coming home but at the same time I really want to spend just a little more time alone with Antonio. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with him and I'm pretty sure I'm ready for 'it'. I mean we've done everything else besides 'the real thing' and so far everything has been great so this should be no different. Right?

Ugh I just feel awkward about it. I really want it, hell I think about it all the time. I just want to make sure I'm ready before moving forward.

*ten minutes later*

I have chicken frying, yellow rice boiling, sweet peas boiling and garlic bread baking.

"Babe watch the food, I'm going to the store really quick!" I shouted picking up the keys

"Okay, get me something." He hollered back

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too!'

I went out the front door locking it behind myself. Dang it, I need to remind myself to get my tire fixed.

I hoped into Antonio's car and took off to Publix which is the closest grocery store

I picked up a box of wayfers and threw them in the buggie. I walked to the next isle looking for condoms.

My phone dinged in my pocket. It was a text from Antonio.

'You better be glad I'm not lazy, the garlic bread almost burnt.'

I rolled my eyes and began typing back

'Shut up. Just put them on plates. I'll be back in 10' I replied

I looked at all the different boxes. I I picked up a purple one and examined it. I shrugged and threw them in the buggie

I started pushing the cart still looking at the different brands. "Whoa watch where your go- Sarah.." I look up to see Tyler staring back at me

I looked into his eyes surprised to have saw him here. Without a second thought I turned my cart around and rushed out of the Isle.

I quickly picked up everything that I would need to make the banana pudding and Antonio's chips.

I checked out then went to Antonio's car

I was putting everything in the trunk when I felt someone touch my arm.

I jumped and turned around in a defensive stance. I tensed more (if that's possible) at the sight of Tyler

"What do you want?" I blurted out

"Hey, I just want to talk." He held his hand up

I stayed quiet just looking up at him.

"Okay, so I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said

I looked over his shoulder not really trying to make eye contact.

He stepped closer and pulled my chin up. "Babe, look at me."

I snatched away from him. "Don't fucking call me that." I hissed

"Sarah, I still Love you. I messed up when we were together but I promise you that I'll never do it again. Plus I heard that he's cheated on you too so it's not only m-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence because I slapped him as hard as I could across his face.

"Don't you ever come near me again! I never want to hear from you again." I shouted holding my finger out in his face.

He didn't say anything so I took this as my chance to close the trunk. I turned back around and looked him over in disgust.

I walked around him but he grabbed my hand.

"You can give him a chance but not me? What does he have that I don't?" He asked looking stressed out.

I looked down at his hand that was latched around my wrist making him let go.

I thought about it for a second.

"He actually Loves me. You only want me because someone else does. I'm not some trophy that you show off Tyler."

"I know! I'm not trying to show you off.. I do Love you." He said

"So why did you do it?" I asked

This is something that I actually wanted to know for a while now.

"Well.. why did 'Antonio' do it?"

"That's none of your concern. I already have that handled. I want to know why you cheated on me." I said

He stayed quiet looking at the ground.

"Why did you fuck her?" I asked raising my voice a bit

He rubbed his neck which was turning red. He mumbled something under his breath but I cut him off

"I can't hear you."

"Because I wanted to have sex." He shrugged

I nodded my head. "Because you wanted to have sex? Because you wanted to have sex even though you had a girlfriend you go and 'have sex' with her friend?" I asked sarcastically

"Sarah don't fucking act like you would've done it with me. You would've had your normal bitchy reaction and say 'ew no, I'm waiting for marriage.' " he mimicked me

"Because I was 15 and not trying to have sex I'm a bitch? Okay." I spun around and hoped into the car

"You sure as hell are whoring for that kid. I bet he's planing to share you with his 'homies'. those condoms won't save you." He chuckled

"Get a fucking life." I slammed the door and started the ignition

I didn't even look for him, as I back out.

I drove home so fast I nearly ran over a kid playing catch in the road

I finally pulled into my drive way. I slammed my fist against the steering wheel and cursed myself for letting him get to me. I wiped away the tears that had managed to slip through my eyes.

I can't let Antonio see me like this, then he's gonna start asking questions.

I looked in the mirror. Dammit my makeup is sneered

I whipped around my eyes to make it seem less noticeable.

I got out and got the bags out of the trunk.

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