The Irony

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Antonio and I walked hand and hand towards the school parking lot. I threw him the keys since I didn't like to drive that much.

It's been a month since Antonio and I became actual boyfriend and girlfriend and everything is perfect.

Well.. not everything. I have to dodge Tyler everyday because Antonio practically has forbidden me from talking to him. I know I don't have to listen to Antonio but I agree with him on this one.

Tyler caused a lot of problems in our relationship and I just can't be friends with someone who is willing to take away my happiness just because they are jealous. I still love Tyler like a brother but I just feel we're better off not being friends anymore.

I try not to focus on the negative things though. I just know that I love Antonio I feel like I might be falling in love with him too.

I threw my bag in the backseat siting in the passenger seat of my escalade that my mom left with me.

Antonio sped off cutting off a small blue car in the process. As we drove away we heard the car honk it's horn.

"You need to start being careful Tonio." I scold

"I am careful, now give me a kiss." He pouted his lips. I rolled my eyes but gently laid a kiss on his lips. "Gracias."

I giggled and pulled my phone out of my back pocket as I felt it buzz.

I answered without checking the caller ID

"Hello?" I sang

"What's up bitch?"

I laughed. "Nothing much Antonio's driving to his house."

"I'm gonna come over later." Erika said

"Okay, where you at now?" I asked

"Well I met this guy the other week.."

"Ooh Erika got a boyfriend." I teased

"Nooo we aren't dating. More like fucking every once and a while."

"Ew you're so fucking nasty." I giggled

I felt Antonio's hand slap my leg. I looked at him to see he had an annoyed look on his face.

"Okay Erika I'll see you later babe. " I made a kissing noise

"Kay I'm bout to get my freak on. Love you"

Erika is a new friend that I met the other day at school. She's new so I showed her around but she's obviously been getting to know other people recently

I hung up the phone. "What's wrong with you?" I asked Antonio

"You don't need to be cussing all the time." He grumbled

I sucked my teeth. "I can do whatever i-"

"Don't even finish that sentence." He said cutting me off

I crossed my arms at his attitude and looked out the window until we pulled up to his house. I hoped out leaving him behind.

"Mom I'm home." I shouted  to Antonio's mom

"Hey sweetheart how was school?" She asked coming into the living room

Antonio sat on the couch next to me. "It was alright." I shrugged

"That's good I'm going to buy some groceries you two be good."

Before I could reply she was out the door. "It was easy getting rid of her." Antonio chuckled

"You're so mean to your mom and she's so nice." I scolded

"Yeah, whatever. What do you want to watch?" He asked

"You already know." I smirked

He groaned "Not the New Girl again babe."

"C'mon the new episode came out Saturday and you wouldn't let me watch it" I whined

"Okay calm down we'll watch it."


A soft moan left my lips as Antonio bit my neck.

"Baby I want you so bad right now."

My hands traveled down to his pants where I could feel his boner and I palmed him.

He groaned "Fuck babe."

He pulled his pants down dragging his boxers down too. His boner slapped against his stomach.

I climbed off of him and kneeled infront of him.

Without a question I took him into my mouth.

"Fuck ma you're so good." I bobbed my head up and down on his dick deep throating him.

"I wanna be inside of you right now babe I wanna fuck you so bad. Shit babe I'm gonna fucking cum."  He shouted

I pulled him out of my mouth and began jerking him in my face

"Oh my God. Sarah I'm gonna cum all over your face."

I was shocked to hear the front door opening but I couldn't react before Antonio literally unloaded all over my face.

"Ooh bitch and you said I was nasty!" I heard Erika screech

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