Causing More Problems

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When our make out session ended we were both breathing really heavy. Antonio rolled off of me and laid beside me.

"That was... Amazing" I sighed

"Your welcome" he kissed my cheek

I giggled. "So what took so long?" I asked and began cuddling him.
"Uh I just lost track of time" he shrugged. So in other words you forgot about me

"Oh okay"

"So what'd you do while I was gone?" He asked

"Nothing, I talked to Tyler." I shrugged

He let go of me a bit. "Why?" He asked

"Because he called and I was bored since you left." I laughed

"Don't try to pin this on me. You could have talked to Micheal or whatever his faggot ass name is"

I immediately pushed him away from me and got out of bed. "What the heck are you talking about? Pin what on you? And don't talk about Mikey like that that's.. that's fucked up" I crossed my arms

"I don't give a damn about what you think is fucked up. You're trying to say if I wouldn't have left you wouldn't have talked to him. Yes you would!" He shouted sitting up

What the heck is he taking about. "Antonio I feel like you just really want to start an argument. This is so petty."

"I don't care. I don't want you talking to him anymore!" He shouted in my face

I wanted to argue but he seemed really mad. I touched his arm but he immediately moved out of my reach. "Tonio what happened?" I asked.

Again I touched his arm and this time he didn't move. "Tell me" I pleaded

I put my hand on his chest hoping to calm him down. "I'm going to kill him I'm not even playin."

I sat on his lap "Calm down baby what happened?" I asked

He heavily breathed. "I was leaving my... uh my friends house and a group of guys came up to me talking shit including yo dumb ass nigga. So me being the good guy I tried to walk away. But they followed me. One of them touched me and that was my reason to kick someone's ass. So I punched him in the face. But before I could do worse someone grabbed my arm. The guy I punched got up real fast too and grabbed my other arm. They held me down while Tyler beat the shit out of me." He explained

I quickly turned on my light to see that he did have a bunch of bruises on his face. But he looked like he washed the blood off.

"I took a shower when I got here."

"Why would Tyler do this?" I asked

"Weeell it might have something to do with me telling him that I fucked you. To be specific I remember saying 'long and hard while she screamed my name' " he admitted

I breathed in deeply and shut my eyes. "Why would you tell him that?" I asked

"Because I wanted him to be jealous and it worked obviously."

"Antonio shut up" I hissed

"Hey I'm sorry. He shouldn't have been following me anyway. He needs to mind his own damn businesses."

"But anyway Antonio that doesn't give you the right to talk about Michael still. He's my best friend so if you continue to talk about him then this won't work"

"Okay I'm sorry. I was just mad" he mumbled

"Okay." I began looking at his bruises wincing at the site. "I'm so sorry" I rubbed his face

"Its not your fault"

"I know. I wish I could have gone with you to your friends house maybe this could've been avoided" I kissed his chin since that's the only area not bruised. He looked a little nervous but nodded his head

"How about this, tomorrow we go skating to the beach." I offered

"Okay, How'd yo know I skate?" He asked

"Saw your board earlier at your house" I shrugged


"I wanna cuddle again" I whined

He chuckled and laid back down. I followed and hugged him tightly. "We need to stop arguing"

"I know" he mumbled and kissed my head

I drifted to sleep in his arms.

Loving Our Differences  (Meeting Him, We Met In A Bus)Where stories live. Discover now