Awkward Kiss Dodge

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^^ there's my snapcode for y'all 😘 ^^

I just ignored his rudeness and continued walking. Once we reached the house I used my key and unlocked the door Antonio followed me into the house and threw his book bag on the ground. I did the same and took my shoes off leaving them by the door. He took a seat on the couch and looked around

"Nice house" he commented

"Thanks" I shrug. I sat beside him on on the couch and face him sitting indian style "So.. why don't you want to be my friend?" I asked

He looked at me with a Confused face before he realized what I meant. "I do want to be your friend I just.. can't." He sighed. "I know if I start hanging out with you people are gonna start to think shit. They gonna think that you're a hoe and I know you ain't like those other females. Ma I know you're cool as hell but you ain't like that so imma do what I can to avoid putting you into a situation where niggas is askin fo yo number all the time and shit." He explained. I thought it over I guess he is just trying to protect me. "You get me?" He questioned

"I guess" I sighed

"Good" he stared at me in the eyes for a minute

"Um why are you staring at me?" I asked

He began leaning into me confusing me even more. Then it hit me. Dude is trying to kiss me

I dodged the kiss and shot up. He looked at me strangely before sitting back. "Okay so umm do you want something to eat? I have Digiorno. Ya know 'It not delivery its Digiorno' " I quoted and nervously giggled

"Uh, sure.. I'll just wait here"

I squeaked an okay and rushed to the kitchen.

I can't believe he just tried to kiss me. What's wrong with me? Why would I dodge a freggin kiss from him?! I mentally slapped myself in the face regretting even being born. Ugh what am I gonna say?

'Can you try to kiss me again? I messed up the first time.'

Ugh I'm so stupid what the heck is wrong with me??? I mentally slapped myself again for being this awkward

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