Good comeback

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The rest of the night we just watched some movies on Netflix. Antonio kind of calmed down but when he left without giving me a kiss I was irritated. He's taking this whole thing out on me when its not my fault. I understand why he was upset at the cop but don't get mad at me. I'm not gonna bring it up tomorrow at school because I know that, that's gonna cause more problems.

I sent him a text saying goodnight. He quickly replied with the heart emoji and 'gn'


Finally flat ironing the last strand of hair I smiled to my reflection. I wore a white tight fitting crop top some blue jeans and my white converse. I had a little bit of makeup (concealer, foundation, highlight, contour, mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss) but it looks really natural.

I threw my book bag on then left the house. My tire is still flat so I have to meet Antonio at his house to give me a ride

When I finally got to his house he was in his car with the engine running.

I opened the door and sat in the seat closing it behind me.

"Hey babe." I greeted and pecked his cheek

"Hey, baby." He backed out of the drive way and took off down the road. I put my seat belt on knowing Antonio's driving is a safety hazard.

We came to a stop light and Antonio harshly pushed on the brakes.

"I missed you babe." He said and rested his hand on my thigh

"I missed you too." I placed my hand on top of his

"I'm coming over tonight" he stated. I gave him a side look to see him smirking at me.

"We'll see."

We finally reached the school and we both hoped out.

We walked into the building hand in hand. The first person I saw made me frown and feel a little self-conscious. Tina was standing by the schools entrance next to some guy. When she saw us coming she pushed the guy away.

I looked away from her and let go of Antonio's hand. We were just about to pass by her when she grabbed Antonio's arm.

"Hey guys." she exclaimed

Neither me or Antonio replied to her.

"Uh, so where are we going?" she asked

"You can stay here, and it's none of your concern where we are going" Antonio answered motioning between us both

Tina rolled her eyes in a playful manner."Ya'll aren't still mad about what happened at the party are you?"

"Yes I'm fucking ma-" I cut Antonio off mid sentence

"I'm not mad. I actually feel bad for you, You can't get your own man so you try to get mine to fuck you. Newsflash he doesn't want you. You practically forced him to do it and that's sad because he still don't want your dumb ass and guess who he's going to be willingly fucking tonight." Before she could reply I grabbed Antonio's arm and pulled him after me to the lunch room

We sat at a random table in the upper class men section. I avoided looking up at him and instead used my phone as a distraction.

Suddenly my phone was taken out of my hand. I looked up at Antonio who was smirking.

"Give me my phone back." I held my hand out to him

He put it in his front pocket. "Get it."

I rolled my eyes then turned to face forward.

"I didn't know that we were doing that tonight. I just wanted to come over to.. watch a movie."

"I just said that to make a point. I don't actually plan on doing that." I explained

"Really? You sounded kind of sure back there." he teased

"We'll see when we get home. For now, I'm gonna go get breakfast." I stood up and walked away to the line

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