Netflix & Chill

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After I cleaned myself up and Antonio refused to kiss me (because apparently I have 'dick mouth') Antonio wanted to stay the night so we are now at my house watching the new girl on Netflix in my room on my Xbox. I was laying on my back while Antonio rested his head on my stomach like I'm some pillow. I guess I just forgot about our argument so we're cool again

"So you really dressed like that to impress me?" He asked

"I wanted to show you that I wasn't boring so I dressed like a girl that you would usually be with." I explained

"I am so sorry baby, you don't have to change yourself for me." he apologized

"Its fine Antonio" I ran my hands through his dark waves

"No its not, you attempted to change yourself because of me then I make you feel worse by calling you names" he lightly kissed my stomach where my shirt rose.

"Its fine Antonio. We are good" I continued running my hands through his hair

He smiled up at me

"So Antonio I don't know much about you well other than you sell and do drugs, your last names Gonzalez, you're a Junior, and we go to the same school"

"What do you want to know he asked

"Let's play 21 questions" I suggested

"Okay you go first"

"Okay.. what's your favorite color?" I asked

"Red, you?"

"Same! That's been my favorite color forever" I cheered

"Ooh how bout we make this shit interesting" he sat up and motioned for me to sit up.

"Every time someone doesn't answer they have to take clothes off"

"No cause I know your gonna ask dirty questions that I don't wanna answer"

"C'mon stop being a buzz kill" he leaned in and kissed me on the lips

"Fine stop begging" I smirked

"Good now I'll start easy.. Have you ever touched yourself?" He asked

My eyes widened "Antonio" I whined

"What? Just answer the question" he pried

"I'm not answering that" I crossed my arms

"Then take your shirt off." He shrugged




"Fine I'll do it" he leaned over to me and pulled my shirt up.

I slapped his hand away "Stop it. Ask a normal question" I whined

"Ugh fine who all do you live with?" He asked and leaned back against my wall

"My mom, my dad died coming home from in the army when I was little. Its so ironic since he was on his way home finally and someone shot him."

"I'm sorry" he hugged me softly

I feel like me and him have known each other longer than I've known all of my friends. Like we have a bond. I don't know if its a crush. I know that he wouldn't date Someone like me though

"Its okay" I softly said. "Who do you live with?" I asked

"I live with my mom I've never met my dad" he shrugged. He didn't seem like he cared so I didn't comment on his answer. "How many boyfriends have you really had?" He asked

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