Party Experience

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I wore a pair of ripped black shorts and a white crop top with my white hurranches. I left my hair down in curls, then put on my clear clubmaster glasses and was ready.


"Alright babe just.. just stay with me okay?"

"I know jeez, Im not stupid." I laughed and hoped out of the car and rushed to the house that was booming with music. I left him behind and ran into the house. People were everywhere like ants. Jumping around and dancing.

A smile stretched out on my face as I saw one of my friends dancing.

I rushed to her and began dancing too.

Mid song I felt a large warm hand wrap around my arm and tug me.

I looked up to see Antonio with a playful glare on his face

"Babe didn't I tell you not to leave me?" He chuckled

"I know I was just so excited." I giggled

"Alright then stay over her I'm finna find Tina. If you need me just call me or somethin."

I egerley nodded my head waiting for him to leave.

"Babe I'm serious, stay here."

"Okaaay I will."

He kissed me on the cheek and left to search for Tina.

I immidiatly started dancing with the few girls that I knew here. If Antonio saw me with another guy he would freak out.

After a while I started to get tiered so I went to get some water.

There's legit a bar tender here.

"What you want to drink?" The guy asked holding a boddle of Hennessey in his hand

"Um can I just have a water bottle."

"You sure?" He asked

"Yup, positive."

"Alrighty then" He went to the cooler and threw me a cold bottle of water which I hardly caught.

I sat in a chair and watched the party. Everyone had a smile on their faces and everyone was having fun. This makes me feel like I missed out a lot in my two and a half years of high school. Why hasn't anyone invited me to one of these? Who am I kidding? I know the answer to that. Im always the one to shut down the plans of partying. I guess everone just gave up on inviting me. Whatever, I'll have fun now.

Another 10- 15 minutes of dancing with random people I started wondering where Antonio was and if he found Tina yet. I went to an empty room to try to call him but no answer. Ugh I didn't think I'd ever have to use this app. I typed in Antonio's phone information and pressed the Locate button. 

"Your device is in the same building. Would you wish to track?" I pressed the yes track button. "Tracking, follow directions."

I followed where the phone took me. Up another flight of stairs and my feet already hurt.

I lightly knocked on the door that it took me to so that I can make sure it's no one else in there

No one answered so I just opened the door.

I gasped and held my hands over my mouth preventing any sound. I fully opened the door letting the knob slam against the door

"What the hell?! get the hell out o-" I dropped my phone shocked at what I saw

"We have found your device." The voice went off on my phone with a ding.

"Sarah... it's really not-"

"Its fine, I've dealt with this before. Ill be fine." I faked a smile then turned around to leave the house without my phone.

I heard him yelling my name but not follow me. I guess he's having a hard time getting his clothes back on. I grumbled and marched out of my house. I shouldnt be suprised, I had a bad feeling about Tina in the beginning but I'm so gullible

The walk back home wasn't far at all. Maybe a minute by car and about 5 walking

Shit. I don't have a key since my keys are inside and the only other spair is around Antonio's neck at the moment. My mom is still out of State.

Ugh I really dont want to do this but its my only other option.. well except the option to climb into a window

I walked the couple minutes to Antonio's house. I know his mom is home and she's like a second mother to me so she'll let me stay until he gets there

I opened the door and let myself in. "Mom! Are you here?!"

"Yes honey I'm in my bedroom." She answered

I followed her voice into her room. I let a small smile rise on my face. Its a bitter sweet moment because now I have to tell her about her own son.

I explained everything that happened to her not leaving a detail out.

"MEVER me ha gustado esa chica. Im sorry for my son, he doesn't know when he has something good."

"It's fine mama. I just need my keys, I don't even want to see him." I shrugged

"I understand honey. Come here give me a hug."

She embraced me in her tiny arms. I hope this wont ruin our relationship.

"He doesn't deserve a second chance with you but please let him explain. I just feel like he wouldn't do something like this to you. He claims that he loves you so much."

"I will. I just.." a tear slid down my cheek

"Awe honey, don't cry." She said rubbing my back.

"I feel so stupid."

"Honey you really shouldn't because the only stupid one in this situation is him for hurting a perfectly loyal young woman."

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