Bad cop

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Me and Antonio walked along the sidewalk side by side. We decided to walk down to the beach since it's Sunday, and today is Valintines day. Antonio had been trying to get closer to me or hold my hand or kiss me all day and he hasn't been successful. I just don't feel comfortable with being all touchy with him yet, not after what I saw. But there has been progress, I kissed him on the cheek earlier and I gave him a quick hug. Baby steps

We finally reached the sandy beach and I was so tired

I spread my towel out on the floor and Antonio's next to mine.

"Remember last time we came to the beach?" Antonio chuckled

I laughed remembering how childish we both were. That's the day our relationship kind of started. I nodded my head and smiled up at him

We looked at each other for a bit until he cleared his throat. "You wanna get in the water?" He asked

"Yeah, lets get in."

About twenty minutes later I dragged Antonio out of the water, he was having way too much fun. He kept messing with people saying that there was a shark. Kids were crying and parents were pissed

Everyone watched us get out if the water, Antonio chuckling and me scolding him

He plopped down on his towel dying of laughter

I rolled my eyes. "They're gonna call the cops on us."

"Well at least we can be locked up together."

I laughed "I'm leaving you here if the cops come."

he pouted "You'd leave me that easily?"

I quickly nodded my head "Quick, fast, and in a hurry." I joked

He frowned and turned away from me making me giggle. I threw myself onto him pulling him into a hug. I sprawled kisses all over his head and face. "I'm just kidding, you know I love you."

he laid on his back and I sat on his stomach looking down at him. "I love you too babe." he wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled at me. "Can I have a kiss?"

I nodded my head feeling kind of nervous This is nothing near to our first kiss but I still feel kinda nervous. I leaned down connecting our lips with closed eyes.

I heard someone clear their throat above us and suddenly the sun disappeared.

I pulled away from Antonio to look up at the person. I was tensed when I saw a middle aged white cop standing above us

"I got a call about a public disturbance.. I'm going to need you two to leave now." He demanded in a rough voice

"Okay no problem sir." I said getting off of Antonio

Antonio grumbled under his breath and got up too

"What was that boy? You're lucky I don't throw you and your bitch in jail"

I ignored the cop and started picking up the towels and putting them in the bag

"Man you ain't gon do shit." Antonio said raising his voice

I looked over at Antonio who was taking his time in folding his towel. I rolled my eyes and took the towel from him before stuffing it in my bag.

"You better get your 'baby daddy' handled before I have to." The cop said making me gasp

I quickly regained my composure "I'm so sorry officer. We will leave now." I threw my bag over my shoulder

"Don't say shit else to her you dumb ass bitch. And for the record even if I was her baby daddy she's better off with me than your daughter probably is with her own cousin." Antonio barked down to the man who was now flushed red

I watched him reach for his gun but I quickly moved in front of Antonio. "Please Antonio just stop it." I rested my hand on his chest but he was too focused on staring the officer down to even notice me.

"Yeah listen to your little nigga." The guy chuckled

Antonio clenched his fists and looked down at me. "Please." I whispered

Antonio turned around and stomped away kind of like a child. I let out a sigh of relief and followed him, but not before the old cop busted into a fit of laughter.

I caught up to Antonio but he was mumbling under his breath and walking really really fast so I had to break out in a jog to catch up with him.

About 10 minutes of jogging (from my part) later we finally got to my house. Antonio unlocked the door and went right inside and into my room.

I dropped everything onto the floor. "Thanks for the help babe." I sarcastically mumbled. I slipped my shoes off then went to the hall bathroom for a shower.


I wrapped myself in a towel then went out, I walked into my room seeing Antonio texting on his phone. Ignoring him I went into my closet and picked out some pajamas. I changed into a pair of black basketball shorts and a black sports bra.

This time when I entered my room Antonio was on my bed with his back pressed against the headboard phone out of sight.

He watched me approach him with a frown. Tbh, even when he frowns he's really cute. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face at that thought

I climbed onto the bed with him. "Babe why are you sad?" I asked

"I'm not sad. I'm pissed" he stated

"Well then stop being 'pissed' and be happy. At least that guy didn't take us to jail."

"Did you not hear the shit he said about us? He's a fucking racist bitch and I should've beat his ass." He ranted. I understand what he means but I'm just glad we didn't end up like all those other people do at the hands of the police

I got comfortable and laid my head in his lap

"What do you want to watch?" I asked picking up the Xbox controller and turning it on.

He grumbled something under his breath.



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