The story

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The next day I was really anxious to hear what Tina was telling me about this 'Caroline' girl. To make sure we had enough time to talk we both had to leave class early and go straight to lunch so that we could meet up.

"Mrs. Castele can I please go to the office I don't feel good." I faked a cough

"Sure here's a pass." She quickly wrote her signature on the pass and handed it to me.

I left the room and went into the cafeteria. Tina was seated at the table on her phone. "Garcia!" I shouted rushing towards her with a smile on my face

"What's up fam" she said when I approached her

"Ready to hear that story Antonio won't tell me." I hugged her and sat down

"Okay so this was about two years ago Antonio had just got his permit like a couple weeks before. They were together him and Caroline almost three months when Antonio found out that she was dating another guy. Not to mention the guy was like a penny compared to Antonio. But anyways Antonio was heart broken and at the time he would hang out with a lot of 'bad' people including myself. Antonio ended up getting drunk at a senior party. Caroline was there.. with her boyfriend. He was so angry that he kicked the guys ass. Caroline tried to get away from Antonio so she packed her boyfriend up and left. They say she was driving so fast that she just ran into another car but there was alcohol in her system. She died that night and Antonio blamed himself."

"Woah." I breathed

The bell rang signalling the beginning of A lunch.

"I know." She muttered. "I just hope he still doesn't blame himself for it." She shrugged

"I'm so glad that you told me that. I owe you big time." 

"That you do, You can start by coming with me to get lunch." She joked

"Sure." We went in the line and I made sure to grab the only good things they served an Apple, pizza, and an orange juice

We went and sat down talking and waiting for Antonio to show up for the rest of the day I was thinking about the story Tina had told me

Loving Our Differences  (Meeting Him, We Met In A Bus)Where stories live. Discover now