Drug Dealer

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^^ guys I need your help with my view amosc Csjlove1253 ^^

I pulled away from his lips. "So where we're you?" I asked raising an eyebrow waiting on him to lie.

"Don't worry about that. What you do need to worry about is answering the phone when I call you."

"No I want to know where you were so tell me." I demanded

"Okay okay I just.. Um I got sick so I left school early." He lied

I pulled my body away from him.

"Give me your phone." I demanded

"What? No. Why?" He rambled

"Now Antonio."

He grumbled rolling his eyes and pulling his phone out of his front pocket.

I snatched it from him and unlocked it using my birthday and a 1 at the end.

I went to his recent messages to see a name angela. I opened those texts

Ang= angela

A= Antonio

Ang: hey

A: hi

Ang: wanna hang out after school

A:nah busy then I'm going to my girls house

Ang: please I miss u coming over!! 😢😢

A: I see you at school everyday angela

Ang: I know but I really want uuuu...

A: me and my girl just got together

Ang: k

Ang:I really miss you tho

Ang: Antonio


Ang: k

Ang: srry

I rolled my eyes and looked up at Antonio

"What was so important after school?" I questioned

"So you're mad because instead of going to some hoes house to cheat on you I did something important?" He asked

"I didn't say I was mad. I just want to know what you were doing."

He sighed. "I was fucking working." He stated

I laughed lacking humor. "That's really the only thing that you could come up with? Work?"

"Sarah, I am a great liar. If I wanted to fool you or screw you over I'd tell a good ass lie. I was fucking working."

"So why we're you out of breath?" I asked

He ran his hands through his hair. "Because." He trailed. I motioned for him to continue. "I was running." He muttered running his hands through his hair

"From what?" I asked

"I almost got caught up selling stuff." He explained

I furrowed my eyebrows "Selling what Antonio?"

He stood on the balls of his feet. "It doesn't matter."

"Antonio I'm being serious." I lightly pushed his chest

"I am too. It really doesn't matter."

"Well does your mom know?"I asked crossing my arms

"Noo. Why would I tell my mom that I sell drugs? C'mon Sarah you're smarter than that." He said obviously

"Antonio I'm kind of worried for your safety." I stepped closer to him and grabbed his hand

"Don't be, I'll be fine trust me." He hugged me

"Why don't you like I don't know. Stop selling drugs?" I said sarcastically

"Babe I said don't worry about it. I will be fine, you will be fine, and you can give me my phone back." He smirked taking his phone from my hand

I narrowed my eyes at handed him it back

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