Could've Been Just Another Day

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I walked into the loud full lunch room with Erika by my side. "I'll see you later bitch" she hugged me and walked to the table with Tyler Michael and some others. I walked to me my table to see Antonio and some girl sitting at the table. I sat next to Antonio.

The girl turned to me and gave a stank look. Oh no that better just be her natural face. Rbf?

I ignored her. "Hey baby." Antonio exclaimed pulling me into a hug. He kissed along my jaw and planted one on my neck

I smiled "Hey Babe."

"Damn your neck looks bad." He touched the bruise that was fading now

"I know. And when Michael notices he's gonna freak." I whined. At the corner of my eye I saw the girl roll her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He chuckled and kissed my neck.

"For this you have no more kisses for today."

"No way. What if I die? I'd die without a kiss from you. You don't want that to happen. Do you?" He asked

"No." I smiled at him

"Prove it by giving me a kiss."

I leant into him but before our lips made contact someone cleared their throat. We both looked over to the girl Antonio had been talking to before I got there

"Shit, I'm sorry. Sarah this is Tina my best friend. Tina this is my girlfriend Sarah" He motioned between us

"Hi." I plastered a smile on my face

She didn't smile back but just mumbled a. "Hi."

Antonio cleared his throat. "Um yeah. We're all a group of friends now" He awkwardly said

I was glad when my name was called. I looked over to see Tyler calling me

"I'll see you guys later then." I quickly pecked Antonio on the cheek and rushed to Tyler's table. I knew if I would have stayed a second longer Antonio would have made me stay and ignore Tyler. But I miss him so much "Hey guys." I smiled and waved to everyone

Everyone said hey back and continued to their conversation. I gave Michael a hug and a kiss on his cheek

"I missed you so much dude." I exclaimed turning back to Tyler

He chuckled and smiled down at me. His smile slowly faded making me confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Your neck." Michael answered before Tyler could

I felt my neck and remembered what happened. "Oh." I blushed and shook my head. "Antonio.." i trailed

"Agian?" Tyler hissed

"Again?!" Michael exclaimed

"Yeah that guy keeps leaving bruises on her neck." Tyler answered

"Bitch why you ain't tell me?" Michael hissed

I rolled my eyes. "It isn't that big of a deal." I muttered

"Shit if you would've walked into what I walked into you would be scarred for life." Erika mentioned talking about when she walked in on me giving Antonio a blow job

Tyler abruptly stood up and grabbed my arm. "C'mon." He practically dragged me out of the lunch room.

We went into the girls 1 stall bathroom. "What the hell?!" He hissed

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are you so mad? It's my neck. I've told you a million times,what me and Antonio do has nothing to do with you"

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