Give me the key

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I was now fresh out of tears and i really just wanted Antonio to get here so that I can get my keys and leave.

As if he were reading my mind I heard the front door slam. "Momma, I'm home!" He shouted

"Ill be right back." mom said before leaving the room

"Give me Sarah's key."

"What? Why? Is she here?" He asked sounding anxious

"Just give me the key boy and go to your room." Mrs. Gonzalez scolded

I smirked still listening to what he said

"Mom you don't understand. It was a mistake. I didn't mean i-"

"I don't want to hear that. Give me the key so Sarah can get home."

"She's here? I can drive her home mom."

"Didn't I tell y-" she stopped mid sentence which confused me until I heard footsteps coming to the door.

Antonio opened it looking around until his eyes landed on me.

He looked rough. He looked like he'd just got done crying.

"Babe I'm so fucking sorry. I don't know why I did it. I.. i uh"

"Antonio, I know what I saw. You were on top of her."

"I know I know what it looked like babe but I love you. Why would I do that?" He questioned and gave a laugh

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. You say that you love me and all but you're just like the rest. You don't actually care about me.." There was a long pause of him just starting at me and me looking anywhere but him. "Can I have my key now?"


"Please?" My voice broke at just that word

"I'm sorry babe.."

I took a deep breath when he didn't move to get the key off of his keychain

"Just give me my key!" I shouted not being able to take it anymore

He scrambled to take the key off of the chain around his neck. He stepped forward with his open palm out reached to me with the silver key.

I snatched the key away and stepped around him leaving the small room.

I walked out the front door too upset to say anything to mom.

I went home finally being able to open the front door. The walk wasn't very far but it was really dark so I was a little nervous but I'm home now.

I laid down on my comfortable bed and let my body relax. This weekend was supposed to be just me and him.. Why would he this to me? Am I that pathetic. Every guy that I wanted to be with think that I'm not good enough.

Am I  that ugly?  They're forced to move onto pretty girls. I'm boring and plain and I'll always be. I'm worthless.

Loving Our Differences  (Meeting Him, We Met In A Bus)Where stories live. Discover now