First Cuss Word

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The next morning I woke up feeling awful. Last night I practically cried myself to sleep. I kinda feel bad since yesterday Antonio was apologizing to me for something as small as him laughing and I was still telling him to leave me alone, but that gives him no reason to snap on me like that

I decided that if he thinks I'm boring I'll show him..

If he see's that I'm dressed like one of those girls that he's used to he will know that I'm not boring and uptight

I pulled on a tight white see through crop top, some black high waisted shorts(pretty sure I'm getting dress code today), and my black converse, I wore my hair in a high pony tail and I put on mascara and eyeliner.

I walked out of the house scrolling through instagram liking pictures.

When I finally got to the bus stop a couple people were looking at me including Antonio. I ignored his stare and looked back down at my phone.

"Sarah what the fuck?" I looked up to see Antonio looking down at me.

"What do you want?" I asked

"What are you wearing?" He asked

I looked down at my outfit "clothes...."

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about. You need to go home and change cause your dressed like some hoe!" He whisper/yelled

Okay I'd be lying if i said that didn't hurt.

"Leave me alone Antonio you're being rude" I grumbled

He threw his arms up and turned in a full circle. "Just fucking change your clothes."

"First of all Antonio you aren't my dad so stop trying to tell me what to do second of all you are being really mean so leave me alone" I crossed my arms and stared up at him. His eyes flicked from my cleavage and to my face "And stop looking at me like that" I covered my chest

I heard the bus coming and we both turned to look

"Lets go" Antonio started walking in the opposite direction

"No" I denied

"Sarah your going to make me do something that I'll regret" he said without turning around

I grumbled but followed him down the street, only because he was causing a scene. The bus passed us making my hair whip around

"Your walking too fast" I complained. He sped up a bit. "If you don't slow down I'm going home" I threatened. He continued walking ignoring me

Soon he walked up to a small gray house. He opened door since it was just unlocked

I followed him in and shut the door and locked it after myself. I followed him into what I'm assuming is his room. It was surprisingly clean btw.

"Sarah sit the fuck down right now!" He yelled

If he didn't look so scary I would have told him off. I would have. I sat on the bed looking down at my phone in my hands.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" He shouted in my face

I kept my head down but answered. "You are my problem"

"No I'm not. You're being a bitch and I don't want to have to deal with that shit"

"Then don't. You're the one that made me come here. You're fucking bipolar!" I argued and looked up at him. He looked mad but I saw the corner of his lips lifting. "What do you think is so funny?"

"You just cussed." he smirked

"I don't care you're bipolar and I want to go home now." I stood back up.

Loving Our Differences  (Meeting Him, We Met In A Bus)Where stories live. Discover now