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The next morning I woke up in a good mood ready for the day. I did my routine then dressed in my black skinny jeans ripped at the knee, and my black and white striped crop top shirt. I wore my white converse then left the house. My mom already left for the day so I locked the door.

I got to the bus stop to see Antonio standing with a group of Spanish and black guys. When he saw me he excused himself before walking to me. "Good morning baby." his minty breath fanned across my face.

"Good morning Tonio" I stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips.

"So how'd you sleep?" He asked looking down at me. Ugh I hate being short. His bout 6' Frame hovered over my 5'3 one

"Good, I thought about you" I wrapped my arms around his waist

"Yeah? What about me?" He questioned

"Just you. Your face your body. Just you." I explained

"Your so cute." He kissed my cheek lightly. He looked my outfit over then scrunched his face up "That shirts too short"

"No its not" I argued

"Yeah it is."

"Whatever" I shrugged it off

The bus came and we sat in our seat. When we got off of the bus Antonio let go of my hand. "Aight I'll see you later." Before I was able to speak he left

I sighed and left into the cafeteria. I went to my groups table and sat next to Michael. "Hey y'all" I greeted everyone.

"Hey" everyone replied. Our table consisted of Michael, Tyler, Serenity, Lidia, Monica, and me

I looked over at Tyler to find him staring at me. He nodded his head toward the opposite direction. I sighed and got up. "We'll be right back." He excused

We went to the corner of the room and I looked up to him. "What do you want?" I hissed

"Who the fuck did that to your neck, sarah?" He questioned

I looked down confused. Ooh hickey's. "Um I uh fell" I lied.

"Bullshit. Who did it?" He angrily growled

"None of your business"

"Sarah" he hissed.

"Tyler" I mocked.

"Whatever if you wanna be a slut then be my guest." he stomped away

I almost thought he was gonna apologize for yesterday but nope he's gonna criticize me and my decisions more

I shrugged and went back to the table. When the bell rang I went to first period


School went by quickly and I was one of the first people to get on the bus. Antonio sat next to me and had an angry look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked resting my hand on his arm

He shrugged my hand off. "Some nigga came at me threatening me bout you. Dude said he want me to stay away from you and shit. Who the fuck is he though?"

Ugh. "Tyler" I groaned

"The fuck is that?" He questioned

"My friend and my Ex boyfriend" I said

"Well you better tell that nigga to chill fo I have to take care of him."

"Alright" I sighed

The rest of the ride was silent. When we got off of the bus we walked in silence to my house.

Loving Our Differences  (Meeting Him, We Met In A Bus)Where stories live. Discover now