Dinner With The Fam

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Saturday came fast. Tina and I have grown closer I actually consider her one of my closest friends, especially since Michael and Erika are still not talking to me. She's one of the nicest people I know too. Under that hard exterior she's so nice. I guess that's one of the things her and Antonio have in common. That and the fact that they cuss so much. I'm beginning to cuss a lot too though. Oh no their washing off on me!! I guess I'm washing off on them too because they are both being more open about things and expressing their feelings.

I still haven't seen Tyler. I've almost called him about 60 thousand times this week. I just want to see if he's okay

Tonight my mom told me that Antonio could sleep over as long as I promised not to do anything and to keep the door open.

Antonio had other plans though. He texted me a couple minutes ago

Antonio: I'm horny babe

Me: y r u telling me?! Take a cold shower or sum.

Antonio: I'm already omw can't we just do something ?

Me: NO my mom is home and she is making me keep the door open. Plus I thought we were both waiting???

Antonio: not sex.. just something

Me: We'll figure it out when you get here and after we eat 💕

Antonio: r u on the menu?

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone. I went downstairs and to the kitchen to see my mom adding the sauce. She cooked home made garlic bread, spaghetti and she already put salad in the middle of the table.

"Is he on his way?" She asked

"Yes ma'am he should be here in about ten minutes." I Answered

"Crap, Finish making the table." She rushed out of the kitchen.

I laughed and set all the plates on the table I put the same amount of food on each plate. I left the salad in the middle and put ranch next to it. I went back upstairs to hear my phone buzz. It was a text from Antonio

A: outside

I put my hair in a bun and rushed down the stairs. I opened the door right when he stepped to the last step

"Damn you look sexy." He complimented pulling me into a hug. He gripped my butt tightly and kissed my cheek

I looked down at my outfit. I wore a black high waisted skirt with a black and gray shirt tucked in

"You look sexy in everything. I can't wait to see how you look out of everythi-"

"Oh you're here." My mom chirped

I turned around to see her standing in the living room

"Oh, hi Ms. Mathers. It's nice to meet you." Antonio politely said pulling away from me to embrace my mom in his arms. "So you're the one who gave Sarah the looks." He smirked holding her arms length away to look at her.

She laughed. "And you're the young man that my daughter tells me stole her heart?" She teased

I blushed looking down at my feet. "Guilty." He chuckled. "But she isn't innocent either, she stole mines just as quick I did her's"

My mom broke into a fit of giggles as if she was a young school girl

"Lets go eat before the food gets cold." She offered

We all walked to the table letting my mom sit across from Antonio and I.

We are mostly in silence except the occasional questions my mom would ask Antonio. Like does he have a car, does he have a job, his plans after school.

I was biting into my bread stick I felt Antonio's hand slide across my bare leg

I smiled up at him thinking the move was innocent I continued eating. "Mom do you work tomor-" I looked down at Antonio's hand that had suddenly slipped under my skirt. He rubbed my thigh softly.

"Tomorrow yes early in the morning. So I need to go to bed right after I'm done eating." She continued eating not realizing what was happening on the other side of the table

I swatted Antonio's hand away. "Stop it" I hissed quietly

He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over my knuckle. I smiled at him. I was taken off guard when he placed my hand on his crotch area. I could see that his khaki joggers were tight around his 'area' and something was sticking up.

I pulled my hand away. I cleared my throat "Mom we're full so we're gonna head down stairs to the basement for a while."

"Okay you can leave your plates I'll rinse them." She smiled at Antonio "It was nice to meet you." My mom giggled

"It was nice to meet you too." I dragged Antonio down the small flight of stairs and pushed him into the room.

I closed and locked the door knowing that my mom would get mad at me later.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!"

"Bae I already sent you the text so you knew what's  up."

"So what if my mom would've saw my hand on your dick?" I questioned

He shrugged "I'm not worried about that I'm just worried about me getting some, babe we haven't done anything in like weeks." He exclaimed being dramatic

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, calm down. I'm gonna make sure she's asleep."

I walked back up to the stairs and unlocked the locks on the door "Mom!" I shouted. She didn't reply she must be in her room already. She's a deep sleeper so I'll be fine. I shut and locked the door back and went back to Antonio.

He had a knowing smirk on his face and I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile

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