Chapter 1 (the arrival)

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*TJ's POV*

ok WORST. FLIGHT. EVER!  i was used as a pillow by a giant man building! i seriously could not WAIT for the flight to be over! Plus i get to see my BFF since forever once again and i'll be LIVING with her! But i heard her boyfriend lives with her and i'll be taking over there extra second bedroom... oh god i hope he's not some creeper!

"TTTTTTTJJJJJJJ" i heard the loudest shreeks of my life! but then i was tackled to the ground. but then i see my best friend ontop of me.

"Bloody hell Kell!" I'm happy to see my best friend after 6 months but OW! i think she burst my eardrum! she quickly got off of me and helpped me up.

"so sorry TJ but its been SO long since i saw you!" she grabbed my carryon i dropped when she attacked me.

"yes i know but now i might need a hearing aid in my left ear thank you very much" i started rubbing my ear. I should be used to her but ever since she moved 4 years ago i only got to see her twice a year. Thats Christmas and Summer when she came to England. Now that she's been here SO long you can barely hear English accent. but since i just came from there a mere 8 hours ago, you can DEFINITELY tell where i came from. and yes i said 8 hours. it was a 8 hour flight from England to LA. so we walk over to luggage and get my 2 bags. one with clothes and one with a bunch of other stuff from my room back home.

"Dear god TJ if you put one more thing in here i would have to call Ellington to come help!" Ellington is her boyfriend. So she told me. she told me he was the drummer of some band named R5..? i've heard maybe one or two of their songs and i've seen one picture of Ellington Kelly's sent me. He's not bad looking, he's actually a very attractive boy... yes boy... he's no man... but he and Kelly look cute together.

"i told you i would carry it" i commented to her as i was carrying my carryon and bag of clothes.

"no... i want to... do it.." i see her easilly struggling with my bag using both hands for it. i couldn't even lift it my dad had too. its a good thing he dropped me off cause then my bag would never have made it to LA. we finally get to the car and she get the bags in the car, she gets in the drivers side and i get shotgun and she drives to her flat. or as they call it here her "apartment". but apartment is to long to say so i'm probably gonna stick with flat. after a long car ride of nothing but chating and catching up we finally get to the flat.

"Ell's not here he's at the rest of the band's house so he won't be home till later." she says as we get the bags out of the car and into her place. its a nice place. very pretty. very big. Nice Light Blue walls and White carpted floor. huge flat screen TV mounted up on the wall. All kinds of Pictures all over the walls. lots of Kelly and Ellington.  there is a HUGE window, where you get an amazing view of the beach!

"this is the livingroom!" she announced. but i was already walking around looking at the pictures.

"so uh TJ... wanna see your room?" oh i've been so focased on all these pictures i wasn't even noticing her

"oh yeah sure!" i quickly grabbed my carryon bag and bag of clothes and followed her, dragging the bag of stuff down the hall till she stopped in front of a white door. well all the doors were white but this door was different... this door had "TJ the Rainbow" with sparkly rainbow letters on it.

"I told Ellington your favoite color was Rainbow so he decited to put rainbow letters on your door..." Kelly explained.

"i see... and he called me a rainbow?" it was nice of him but why did he call me a rainbow?

"well he didn't know what else to call you and TJ was to short so... his nickname for you is Rainbow..." well i'm totally ok with that!

"well ok then... nice name..." and with that i walked into the room. the room had plain White walls and a dark hard wood floor. there was even a small deck then i can walk onto and get an AMAZING veiw of the BEAUTIFUL beach. i'm like 3 stories high so i can't just walk out there onto the beach sadly.

*Authers note*

ok so i've never writtin a story like this so PLEASE for the LIFE of me please only nice comments... i promise i'll learn how to get better at this whole disriptions writting thing. thank you :)

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