Chapter 26 (bail)

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(Hello my little monsters...! When i put a goal for comments and votes i would like it to be it faster then 3 weeks.... now for this episode i better get the goal in less then a month!)

ARRESTED?! How could he be getting arrested!?

"The court is discussing if you get bail. Now come on lets go" She pulls him out of the bed and puts his one hand behind his back and walked him out of the room. Leaving me standing there dazed. I walked out of the room like a zombie. Not much movement. When I got to the waiting room they were all awake. Looks of confusion, sadness, but most of all shock.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Ross yelled at me when I walked over. Stormie was crying and Mark was comforting her.

"He-he's being a-arrested for trespassing and shooting of an endangered animal..." I say. "They don't know if he'll get bail." Stormie cried more and Ryland hit his head against the floor. I just walked to the door and walked out of the hospital. Now it's my turn. No idea where i'm going, i'm just gonna keep walking.

Within the next 2 hours I get a call. When I answer I find out it's Rydel. She called to tell me that they're letting Rocky out on bail. I quickly head down to the poilce station and bail Rocky out.


I'm sitting in my jail cell, waiting for the next 20 years to creep by slowly. I just lay on the bed thinking about everything. About how my future is ruined. By the time I get out TJ would already be married and have a family, and no one else would want to date an ex convict. That's even if I survive that long, lots of people die in jail. I don't want to die, I don't want my life to be ruined. But of course it's to late for that isn't it?

While thinking about my ruined life, the cell door opened. I looked at the door and there was the police officer.

"You've been bailed out" he said. Bailed out? who could bail me out? Who would have the money? I  stood up and followed  him out of the cell and out of the jail. There was TJ, waiting. When she saw me she ran over and hugged me.

"TJ? You bailed me out?" I say as I hugged her back. She nodded.

"yeah... 10,000 dollars.." 

"but how??" I questioned.

"I came to the jail and said I wanted to bail you out. Then I gave them 10,000 dollars. And now your out." I smiled and laughed a bit at her sarcasm and hugged her, deciding to interigate her on where she got the money later but right now just to love her.


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