Chapter 22 (Where's Rocky?)

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(Gonna be short, sorry i got a cliff i wanna do)


It's been 2 weeks since Rocky came back. But no one has seen him since. It worried me, and it worried everyone else. No one has heard from him. R5 had to put off working on the next album until he was found. Ashton hasn't been seen since, which is a good thing. Kelly said if she sees him again she'll kill him. I don't mind, if he never came here Rocky would still be here.

Most the time I wasn't home, but I could be found at Rocky's house. Sitting on his unmade bed, wearing hs sweaters, and looking at pictures he had. His bag from tour was laying, open on the floor with clothes scattered everywhere. Like he ran inside, threw it on the floor and never picked it up. Sometimes I would be sitting here alone, sometimes Rydel would join me, sometimes she'd even sit here before I get here.

We've all tried calling him many times. No answer. We've driven around California looking for him. No luck. When the fans found out he was missing they freaked out and vowed to help find him. No one has said anything about knowing where he was. We've searched night and day 24/7 since he disappeared.

 I was sitting at home, waiting for a call or a text from Rocky, or someone who knows where he is. As if on cue my phone rang. unknown number, hesatent to answer but I did. I said hello. All I heard was breathing. I said hello again and still just heard breathing. Before I could hang up, someone spoke.

"I know where Rocky is..." 


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