Chapter 5 (the Kiss)

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i looked back at everyone else laughing and pouted, they promised they wouldn't laugh. Rocky noticed and yelled at them "GUYS! you guys PROMISED you wouldn't laugh!" everyone slowly stopped laughing.

"i'm sorry TJ... but come on it was funny!" said Ross

"no it wasn't! it was bloody embarrassing! he told everyone at school and i was the laughing stock of the whole school for 5 months! until Kelly did something that topped that" after i said that, Kelly's eyes widened and everyone looked at her.

"what did you doooooooo..." asked Riker, with a weird grin. her face turned red

"a-aren't we playing t-truth or dare?" trying to change the subject now are we kelly?

"fine... but we're not finished here" said Riker and we continued to play.

we did it for about half an hour then it came Rylands turn, he looked at me "TJ truth or dare" i've done about one dare not counting the first one about awensering the question so i choose dare.

he then got a huge grin on his face. i'm scared now. "i dare you to kiss me!" WHAT!?

"WHAT?!" we all turned our head to look at Rocky who just yelled. his face turns red once he realizes what he just said.

"come on it was a dare! you have too!" i don't have a choice do it... ugg i hate him... he gets ready and leans in and since i don't have a choice i do too. our lips meet and i want to throw up.  oh no i'm not doing THAT again. we here a door slam and we break apart. i look around the room and see everyone but one... Rocky...

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now