Chapter 10 (The date)

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"Yes, that is a blindfold" he nodded, keeping his eyes on where he was driving. i looked unsure but i put it on. a few minutes later the car stopped and my door opened. Rocky was helping me out of the car since i had the blindfold on. "Where are we?" i was while holding onto him. he chuckled. "you'll find out in a minute. we walked a bit then stopped. rocky then reached behind and untied my blindfold.

There stood a small table with a white cloth over it, 2 wicker chairs, lamps around it with 2 plates of food and 2 cups on the table. it was all on the bay of a beach... it looked beautiful. (pic on side) I looked at Rocky and he was standing behind me smiling. "So....? what do ya think?" i didn't have an emotion on my face and his changed from happy to worried. he looked almost sad before i started speaking again.

"I-i... i love it, its beautiful." i smiled and so did he. He then walked over to the table and pulled back one of the chairs and motioned for me to sit down, so i did, he then went over to the other chair and sat in it. he grabbed 2 soda's from god knows where, it had to be soda's since we weren't old enough to have any actual 'drinks'. He handed me mine and he opened his. we sat there talking and eating for quite a while.

After about an hour Rocky got up, walked over to my chair, grabbed my hands and pulled me up. I looked at him confused. "wha-" before i could finish my sentence Rocky covered my mouth. "Shh..." then he walks away from the table a bit.

Before i had the chance to do anything, music started playing out of no where then Rocky put my hands on his shoulders and he put his hands on my waist. Now i understand, we were dancing. i wrapped my arms around his neck instead of his shoulders and i layed my head on his shoulder as we swayed to the music that was playing.

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now