Chapter 18 (helping a friend)

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Its been a month, I haven't seen Ashton and no more delusions have happened. I still don't get why that happened. I'm normal i swear! nothing like that has ever happened. Anyway Christmas was 2 months away and i'm happy. I love Christmas but I was upset I wouldn't get to spend it with Rocky, but its not the end of the world.

I've been spending time with Kelly and going to the mall a lot. Just last week she dragged me to the spa and we got our hair done and we got our nails done and we've just been super busy. This week Kelly was going to spend with her family so i had the house to myself. I was just laying on the couch flipping through channels when I heard a knock at my door. I groaned and got up, opening the door. There stood Ashton.

"Ashton... what are you doing here?" I ask. He sighed. "I'm sorry for leaving that day, it probably looked strange... the way I did." I nodded as he said the last part. "A Little" I say and crossed my arms. He then held out flowers. "Please.. i'm sorry... take these flowers" Thinking he was just being friendly, i accepted the flowers. "Thank you Ashton... they're pretty..."

I walked back into the appartment, him following and set them in the kitchen. "What made you come back? I thought you were never coming back, like I scared you off somehow." He he shook his headshook his head. "You didn't scare me off, I just had something I had to do. and I came back because I thought you were nice, and you are the only friend I have since moving here."

I nodded again, understanding how moving to a new place felt. Knowing no one, having no friends. Well not 100% for me, I knew Kelly and she introduced me to her friends.. One of whome i'm dating. I needed to help him get friends. "I know how that feels. I would introduce you to my friends but their gone for a couple months." I say sadly.

"I understand. I can't expect you to be with me all the time anyway so i'll just sit at home... alone." He looks down as he says alone. I couldn't just sit here while he was lonely. Trust me i've been lonely a lot lately and it is it fun. "You know what Ashton, i'm gonna help you get friends" He smiled. "really?" I nodded once again. "Maybe.. even a girlfriend?" He had this look in his eye. I wasn't sure what it meant, but I wanted to help out my friend.

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now