chapter 23 (Rocky don't!)

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(might be short, i'm tiwed)


I quickly jumped up, slipping my shoes on and ran to the door, banging on Kelly's door on the way past.

"KELLY I KNOW WHERE ROCKY IS!" I yell as I run past. I got to the living room and grabbed the car keys, hearing the sound of Kelly running behind me, bombarding me with questions.

"Where is he?"

"How did you find him?" 

"Is he ok?"

"Are you ok?"

I ignored it and ran to the car, getting in and starting it up while telling Kelly to call the Lynch's to meet us at crocodile lake.


I didn't want to hurt myself. I didn't want to hurt anyone else. After I left TJ's House I found myself at a bar, using a friend if mine's ID to get in. I drowned my sorrow and anger in alcohol till I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't even think. I could no longer control my own body, I left the bar, not knowing what time it was just that it was late.

I didn't know where I was going or doing. I ended up at crocodile lake. I slipped over the tall gates ignoring the signs saying "DO NOT ENTER" all over it. When I was in I was watching the live crocs move about the water. I walked closer to them, watching them closer.

"ROCKY DON'T!" Was all I heard before  everything went black


NO LIMITS THIS CHAPTER! (tho plase comment and vote)

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