Chapter 3 (do I?)

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*authers note*

sorry its a really short chapter but i'm being bugged to get it up NOW but there will be another episode either tonight or tomorrow, promise!


ok so far Ellington is nice, Rydel is nice, Rocky is DEFIANTLY nice and Riker and Ryland are creepy... ok i got my impressions of the guys and girl and i'm ready to go home. "Hey Kell, when are we going back i still have unpacking to do."  she just groaned and leans against Ell- Ratliff as he said to call him. i take she doesn't want to leave yet.

"well maybe you guys could spend the night..." Rydel stated and seemed pretty hopeful, maybe wanting some girls to hang out with cause it looks like there is none. Kelly wants too stay but i'm not sure. oh crap now everyone's looking at me.

"come ooonnnn TJ it would be fuuuuunnnn" begged Kelly. everyone else seemed to be begging me too, they weren't saying anything but the looks on their faces told me they wanted me to stay.

"i-i don't know..." i was kinda scared to... because of something from my past. but i'm not going to get into detail now.

"TJ... please?" Rocky, standing behind me, asked. he seems... pleading me too stay... not by his movments but the look in his eyes... his amazing brown, could just melt me, looking into them I could get lost for days, the way they sparkled stirred something inside of me- WHAT AM I SAYING?! i just meet him i don't like Rocky! do i?

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now