Chapter 31 (ROUND 1)(FINALE part 1)

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Ok everyone just so you know,  this story is ending. The final chapter is the next chapter. It'll be posted directly after this one. 

No one's pov

TJ skipped her way away from him laughing like a crazy person. As Rocky  stood up he felt dazed, he felt his whole body get heaver with every step he took, taking himself out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. There was TJ, sitting on the counter swinging her legs while humming a song. Rocky knew TJ was teasing him. He knew she was being flirty and knows he can't have any of it until he plays her little 'game'. He watched, he waited. Kelly came over to take TJ out for a few hours which was the perfect time to start another phase of his plan to get her to say yes. The first part was involving going out to the store. When he came home he had spent 2 hours at different stores. TJ came back hours later. Walking into the house where a nice, small dinner was made, with candles and rose petals everywhere. She walked to the table and Rocky walked over to her.

"Hey, I made you dinner." He pulled a chair out for her and she sat. They ate dinner together, talking about random things. When the dinner was finished, rocky moved closer to her. There is no way she can say no, it's such a romantic dinner, she loves it. He thought. Their dinner lasted almost 2 hours, then they moved to the livingroom where there were 4 boxes of different board games.

"We have your Risk, we have monopoly, we have the game of life, and clue" She grinned, he knew they were her favorite games. They sat on the floor in front of the coffee table and started to play games.

"One, two, three, four. Go straight to jail... DAMN IT!!" Rocky crossed his arms and pouted like a baby. TJ just giggled and moved Rocky's piece to the jail and grabbed the dice.

"Have fun getting out of therrrreee." She taunted him as she rolled, but she rolled to hard and the dice rolled right off the table, and under the couch. "Oops.." She walked over to the couch and layed in front of it trying to see if she could see the dice.

"I see them, rocky can you lift the couch so I can get them?" He said sure and walked over. He grabbed the bottom of the couch and lifted it so she could get the dice. After she grabbed them He dropped the couch, which landed on his foot. He screamed, yelling some very colorful words that made them think god there were no children around.

"Oh my god Rocky are you ok?!" He lifted the couch off his foot and sat on the floor and lightly rubbed his foot. "Oh yeah, I just dropped an almost 200 pound couch on my foot and I feel great, I think I may go run a marathon!" He grumbled.

"R-Right. Uh we should take you to the hospital." He shook his head and uses the wall to support himself, and sits on the couch. "No, no i'll be fine. I just need ice." She nodded and grabbed an ice pack, carefully setting it on his foot. "It's gonna be alright babe, let's try to enjoy the rest of the night, come sit." She sat next to him and continued the game. They played all 4 games until late, but he had another thing planned before the night was over. After the last game he grabbed a movie and put it in the dvd player, using the wall to support him across the room.

"What are we watching?" TJ asked. He grinned. Surprise.. Of course. TJ thought. When the menu screen came up she smiled. Tangled, he favorite movie. They cuddled on the couch and watched the movie, falling asleep halfway in. I think this is one of our best dates. Rocky thought before falling asleep.


Round 1 is over and so is the first chapter of the three part finale! Next chapter coming right up! (sorry it's short i'm in a hurry, next chapter way longer)

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