Chapter 2 (the meeting)

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"Do you want to go meet the band now?" for the past 15 minutes of me TRYING to unpack, Kelly has been non-stop asking me the same question.

"Can i unpack first?!" she walks over, grabs my arm and starts pulling me.

"Nooooooo. i wanna see Ellllllllll" she's dragging so i give up.

"ok fine lets go i'll unpack later!" we go out to her car, well me walking, her running. we get in and she drives to an amazing house, its huge and its also beach side! we get out and i go to knock on the door when Kelly told me just to walk in, they are expecting us. So of course i open the door. Big mistake. The second i open it i got hit in the head with a football.

"Bloody hell" is all i was able to mutter after falling to the ground.

"Oh god i am so sorry" i couldn't see who it was right now but i felt someone, a guy, grab my hand and pull me up.

"i was NOT expecting the door to open right then" this guy looked to be around my age, and he was DEFIANTLY not bad lookin. Beautiful brown eyes, a very close matching, long brown hair.

"It's ok i was going to knock but SOMEONE told me to just walk right in" i look at Kelly as i say 'someone' pretty loud.

"uh... sorry?" i roll my eyes slightly and look back at the shaggy haired boy.

"I'm Rocky" he says as he sticks his hand out, i grab it and shake it

"Taylor, but call me TJ" he smiles, the boy has great teeth!

"So you must be the all famous TJ that Kelly won't shut up about...!" i looked at Kelly and her face kinda reddened, i just kinda laughed.

"yeah i guess thats me" was all i could say.

"Well come on in i got a pack of retarded wolfs just waiting to meet you!" i giggled at that. he called his band Retarded Wolfs? Well anyway i walked in the house followed close by Rocky and Kelly was already running past me. love sick girl. i get into the livingroom and there's about 4 other guys and a girl laying acrossed 2 of the guys. i walked in and 2 of the guys wolf whistled at me. rolled my eyes. typical boys.

"ok guys this is TJ" the two boys just whistled again. seriously? wow. the girl smacked the two who whistled, they also happened to be the two she was laying on. then she spoke up.

"HI! i'm Rydel, thats Ross" as she pointed to a guy who was sitting on a couch a cross from them.

"these two whistling idiots is Ryland and Riker-" then she got inturupped by Kelly, whome was sitting on a guy, who i belive is her boyfriend,'s lap

"AND THIS IS ELLINGTOOOOONNNNN!!!" she practiclly screamed, wraping her arms tightly around him. he chuckled doing the same to her

"just call me Ratliff, thats what everyone else does"  he says.

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now