Chapter 6 (once again... a kiss)

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*Rocky's POV*

"I dare you to kiss me!" said Ryland with a grin. what was he thinking?! i don't want him kissing TJ! she's mine!

"WHAT?!" everyone looked at me. oh crap... did i say that out loud? my face burned red. then before i know it my own brother placed his lips on TJ's. there was no way i could watch this i got up and left the room, slaming the door behind me. i walk out the front and sit on the steps of the porch. a minute later i feel someone sit beside me, i look over and see TJ.

"ello...." she says, with that English accent. she's so cute... 

"hi..." i look back at the ground.

"you ok? you left in kind of a hurry..." she looks so worried...

"y-yeah... i'm fine..." yeah i'm not a very good lier...

"no your not... whats bugging you?" what am i supposed to tell her? "oh i ran out because i couldn't stand to see my brother kissing the girl i like, aka you."!? no... not saying that.

i sighed. "i guess i just couldn't watch Ryland kissing you..." i said it kinda quietly.

"why?" how am i supposed to tell her i was jealous?! well... i guess i didn't have too... she spoke up before i got the chance.

"were you jealous?" she kinda giggled at that. i don't see why its funny its the truth. when she saw red on my cheeks her eyes widened a bit.

"y-you were jealous... weren't you..?" what was i supposed to say? i guess i had to tell her the truth...

"a-a little..." this time her cheeks turned red. she even looks cute blushing.

"w-well... why were you jealous?" wow this girl asks a lot of questions...

"i-i guess... i guess i might like you a little ok... i know i shouldn't because i've only known you for like 3 hours.... but... i can't help it i mean your pretty, and funny and i just-" i was cut off by her lips on mine. i was shocked and it took me a minute but i kissed her back. we just sat there for a minute before pulling away.

"its ok if you like me... a little... Rocky.." she said with a slight smile.

"i-it is?" i was confused...

"yes... because... i might like you a little too..." her cheeks reddend a bit and i smiled.

"really?" ok i was happy...!

"y-yeah.. a bit..." this is PERFECT!

"TJ.. you don't happen to have a boyfriend back home do you?" i asked slightly hopful. she just shook her head no. this was my CHANCE!

"w-well... do you want a boyfriend?" i hope she says yes.

"y-yeah kinda... why?" she looks at me with her beautiful green eyes...

"w-well... i know i've only known you for 3 hours but... will you-" i didn't even get to finish my question, she cut me off my putting her lps on mine again. i smiled against her lips, and so did she. when she pulled away she said,

"you don't even need to ask... my awnser is yes..." i smiled again and hugged her. then we heard a yell from inside.

"MY BEST FRIEND'S DATING ROCKY LYNCH! MY BEST FRIENDS DATING A MEMBER OF R5!!" we both knew then, Kelly was listening...

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now