Chapter 14 (His surprise)

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Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Rocky leaves TOMORROW AND HE JUST NOW TELLS ME!!! I so badly want to scream at him for not telling me sooner... but i can't... i'm to upset.

"TJ?" I look up from my empty coffee cup and look at him. He looks almost as upset at me. almost.

"what?" I ask. trying to hide the sadness in my voice. It doesn't work. Rocky moves so he's sitting beside me, and hugs me. I hug him back tightly. li only get 24 hours with him before he's gone for so long.

"I promise we can spend all day together, i'm not leaving your side till i leave tomorrow" I hug him tighter, fighting tears in my eyes.

"C-can we just go back to my house and lay on my bed watching TV with junk food all day?"

"Of course" He says. and when he stands up to leave, he doesn't just take me with him, he carries me to his car, set me in then gets in himself and drives to a store to pick up junk food.

Chips, cookies, sodas, candy, popcorn and a big container of ice cream is what he comes back with. as well as a big box that he refused to tell me what it was, saying it was a suprise. Once he was in he drove to my house. when we got there he told me to go inside and put the food and ice cream in the kitchen. I did so as he got the big box out.

I put the stuff in the kitchen and walks out to see him carrying the box upstairs. "Actually can you take the stuff up here babe?" he asked as he takes the box into my room. I grab the bags and follow. I sit on my bed with the bags.

"ready to see whats in the box?" he asks, smiling. I nod. I hate surprises so i'm not to excited, more like trying to ACT annoyed. 

He has this big box, about as tall as my bed, so not THAT tall. He opens the box, and what's in it?

A Mini Fridge.

He got me a mini fridge for my room.

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now