Chapter 9 (the surprise)

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a week later and i was sitting on my bed. I was unpacked and settled in. It was 4pm and I was sitting on twitter on my laptop when my phone screen brightened. i looked at it and it was a text from Rocky. 'get ready, i'm taking you somewhere in 2 hours' i smiled and replied then go up and take a shower.

after my shower i saw it was 5. well that shower took a bit longer then expected. I changed into a red shirt, with a black belt, jeans and black heels. I put on small gold earring's then put on a light coat of mascara and a little gold shimmer eye shadow. (pic of outfit on the side) i then straightened my hair then looked at my phone. 5:55. 5 minutes till Rocky should be here...

i heard the door a few minutes later I walked over and opened the door and there stood Rocky wearing a white shirt, jeans and a blazer, while holding flowers. once i opened the door he smiled. "These are for you" and he held out the flowers. i smile and take them to the kitchen and put them in a vase with water then walk back over to Rocky.

"Ready to go?" he said while holding his hand out. i nod and take his arm. "where are we going?" he shook his head. "not tellin ya" i started whining. "why nooooottttttt" he chuckled then shook his head again.

"because that ruins the surprise" surprise? what surprise? i groaned. "your meeeeaaaaannnn" .

"yeah yeah say that all you want" we got to his car and he opened the door for me then got in. He then got in himself and gave me something. uh. what? "is this a blindfold?" i was confused. why did he give me a blindfold?

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now