Chapter 25 (Good news and bad news)

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I heard my name so I looked at Rocky. His eyes were open and he was looking at me. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could he shook his head.

"After what I said to you, after how mean I was to you, you still came here..." I nodded. Unable to talk.

"Why?" He asked. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My voice cracking a bit.

"Because. I know you were mad at me, I know you thought it was my fault what happened before you disappeared. I needed you to know what really happened. That it was Ashton attacking me, not me willingly sleeping with him." All he did was close his eyes. "And I care about you Rocky, I couldn't just forget about you or let you go that easy." I swore I saw him smile a bit.

"I'm glad your here. I shouldn't have had thought you would cheat on me or anything, and I should have listened to you when you wanted to explain. I don't even remember what happened anytime after tour. Until now." I smiled slightly when he said he was happy I was here but that disappeared when he talked about not remembering.

"Did the croc make you lose your memory?" He shook his head and explained what happened. From when he left my house, to waking up here not long ago. He noticed me starting to doze off.

"TJ? Your tired aren't you?" I nodded and rubbed my eyes, clear dark bags underneath. He opened one arm and told me to climb on the bed with him. I was hesitant but I did and lied on his good side so I didn't hurt his arm in the cast. He told me to go to sleep so I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes as I felt him play with my hair with his good hand. 

I was awaken hours later. It was bright outside, and the doctor was looking over stuff with Rocky. They were talking, quiet enough to know they were trying to let me sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. 

"Oh good your awake. Now I can tell you guys the good news, and the bad news." I tiled my head in confusion. Rocky ran his finger nails up and down my back and I shivered and he smiled.

"The good news is your free to get out today." We both smiled, looked at each other then back at the doctor. Excited to get out of here.

"But the bad news." Before the doctor could finish, a police officer walked through the door.

"Rocky Lynch you are under arrest for trespassing and a shooting of the endangered American Crocodile"


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