Chapter 21 (It wasn't for you)

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hey guys :D Its spring break now so I should be uploading a LOT this next week so fingers crossed I don't have a lot to do :)


I'd been away from TJ so long, I missed her so much so I decided to surprise her. I went straight to her house and ran inside, desperate to see my girl, and I went straight to her room

"SURPRIII-"  and there I saw something I would never have thought she would do. She was naked. With another guy! She was cheating on me wasn't she? Oh why ask, its obvious!

"R-Rocky!" I stared at the scene in front of me and I was out raged. I walked over threw him off her with a fire in my eyes and ice in my vains. 

He landed on the ground with a thud. He stood back up and went to punch me but I moved out of the way and he punched the wall. You could hear the cracking when his fist made contact with the hard wall. I took the opportunity and pushed him out the open window where he landed in the pool below.

"Rocky! thank you!" TJ ran over to hug me, but I stopped her.

"I didn't do it for you." I said, and I walked out, out of the room and out of the house. I just kept walking not knowing where to go.


After Rocky left, I could hear my heart shatter. Was he thinking that I would cheat on him? Was he blaming me for that? I got my clothes back on then walked over to the window that he threw Ashton out of. I saw Ashton getting out of the pool, and with the way he was holding is hand I would say its broken. I curled on my bed and started to cry.

I heard someone walk in but I didn't move. I kept laying, kept crying.

"TJ what's wrong?" I slowly looked up and saw Kelly kneeling next to the bed. She hugged me and I told her everything that happened. From when she left and I met Ashton, to what just happened with Rocky walking out on me. She hugged me again.

"I knew I shouldn't have left. I'll have a little talk with Rocky later." She said as she rubbed my back and I cried on her shoulder. I left better knowing my best friend believed me. Though I wish my boyfriend did too.


As well as cliffys (not every chapter) i'm gonna start doing this...

5 coments and 5 likes before i post the next chapter!

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