Chapter 19 (where are my...?!)

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A week later. Me and Ashton have been spending all week 'friend shopping' with no luck. We made it back to my appartment by 830. I fell onto my couch, him falling on the other one. "what a day. What a boring, no luck day." I mummbled. I sighed then his phone started ringing. He jumped up and awensered it. That's the most energy i've seen from him all day.

"Who are you texting?" "A friend" He says. He has a friend? Isn't that what we've been working for for the past week?!

"uh I thought you didn't HAVE any friends." I ask confused. "O-oh I do. At my old house. Not here." Then he goes back looking at his phone. If i wasn't tired i'd think there was something going on there. but i was to tired to do anything so i shrugged it off and ended up falling asleep right there on the couch. 

I woke the next morning with Ashton. We were both on my bed. How did that happen? and what happened? I looked at Ashton and he was staring at me. "what?" I say.

He shrugs. "How did I get here?" I sit up. "Oh sorry TJ, I woke up at 2 and carried you in here then fall asleep next to you, I promise I didn't do anything." I took of the blanket then quickly threw it back on, realizing something inportant. "Where the hell is my shirt and pants... and bra and underwear?!" I scream.

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now